Cloud Computing Task Force David Walker Information & Educational Technology University of California, Davis
Our Charge from the ITLC “The Information Technology Leadership Council (ITLC) has created an ad hoc Cloud Computing Task Force (CCTF) to assess cloud computing and its applicability within the University of California.”
Issues We Will Address - 1 A definition and description of cloud computing, including its relationship to other architectural components, such as clusters and grids.
Issues We Will Address - 2 The potential of cloud computing to address the following: High-performance computing Administrative computing Large-scale storage Disaster recovery Non-stop / fail-soft services Green computing
Issues We Will Address - 3 Considerations for the deployment of cloud computing, including: Security Capacity planning (network, processing, storage) "End to end" system performance Portability Legal and contractual issues Data center planning Build vs. buy vs. sell
Issues We Will Address - 4 Recommendations to the ITLC for deployment and further study of cloud computing technologies, including an ongoing organizational structure.
Membership Membership is drawn from the following UC communities: UC Research Computing Group (UCRCG) Joint Data Center Managers Group (JDCMG) Communications Planning Group (CPG) UC Grid developers UC cloud computing researchers
Who We Are Greg Bell, LBNL Armando Fox, UCB Bob Grant, UCR Russ Hobby, UCD, Co- convener Charlotte Klock, UCSD Sriram Krishnan, UCSD Bill Labate, UCLA ken lindahl, UCB Michael Mundrane, UCB Mike Van Norman, UCLA Philip Papadopoulos, UCSD David Walker, UCD, Co- convener
Schedule Kickoff meeting: 5/7/2009 Conference calls on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, 1:00-2:00. – , # Face to face meeting in mid-July Final report to the ITLC by July 31, 2009