Title III and ISES Individual Student Enrollment System Questions about the WSLS or ISES 24x7 DPI Online Helpdesk Application dpi.wi.gov/lbstat/helptool or x7 DPI Online Helpdesk Application
ISES Timeline End of September – Verify ELP Codes have been entered for 3 rd Friday of September records. First WSAS Roster is generated. End of October – Verify ELL students have been identified and properly coded in all records. November – Work with ISES coordinator to review enrollment and other reports for ELL students. Early December – ACCESS Pre-ID file and final WSAS Roster file are generated. At this point ISES is LOCKED - data will corrections will not be reflected in this ISES CD collection!
New Students present on TFS Count Date ELL pre-K students: assess using an informal English language inventory. Performance levels in the WIDA ELP Standards Book can be used as a guide. Results of the inventory can be used to estimate a student's English language proficiency code (ELP 1-5).WIDA ELP Standards Book New grade KG-12 ELL students are expected to be assessed shortly after their enrollment date to determine the appropriate ELP code. If recent ACCESS for ELLs® results are not available, then the WIDA ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT™) should be used. (See PI )grade KG-12WIDA ACCESS Placement TestPI Do not use ELP 7 for potential ELLs prior to formal testing! Do not list English as an ELL student’s Native Language!
ELP Code in ISES ISES is not a good year-round resource for identifying ELP Code of newly transferred students. To use the ISES to find ELP Code and Composite: – Student must be assigned to your district on the 3 rd Friday of September, AND – ISES 3 rd Friday of September record must exist, AND – ISES must have been validated.
Unexpected ACCESS Labels Student’s classification has changed since the 3 rd Friday of September. Student has an ACCESS for ELLs Composite (overall) score from a test in another district. Student’s composite allows for reclassification to ELP 6, but ELP 5 remains in the ISES record. Student was mis-reported by district in the ISES.
ELP Codes in ISES ACCESS Composite scores (1.0 to 6.0) auto- generate the ELP Code (ELP 1-5, 6) when the WSN is correct and ISES enrollment records are open during the following Fall YE/TFS-CD. Other ELL students without ACCESS Composite score: provide an estimated ELP Code from screener or subscores to your ISES coordinator for upload. This will generate a preID label.
ELP Codes in ISES (continued) ACCESS Composite scores cannot be changed in ISES! ELP 6 (Former ELL): only used for students who were previously identified as ELL (codes 1-5). ELP 7 Language code: English proficient students that have never been identified as an English Language Learners.
Immigrant (Title III) To qualify as an immigrant under the definition specified by the NCLB, a student is: – Aged 3-21 as of the Third Friday of September, – Not born in US, and – In US schools for less than 3 consecutive full academic years Native English speakers should not be ELL students. – Children born to US military personnel – Children adopted at birth by US parents
New Race/Ethnicity Reporting The five single race codes have been replaced by a two-part race and ethnicity question for individual student and staff reporting. These seven codes are used for aggregate reports. Longitudinal data on WINSS and Accountability reports (AYP) bridge back to the five race codes.