GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Visual Studio Team System Anton Delsink Developer Tools Technology Specialist Microsoft Gulf, Dubai
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Team System Business Analyst Operations, QA and Help Desk Third-PartyIDEs Web Clients and XML Web Services
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 BusinessAnalyst ProjectManager Dev Team Test Operations ChangeRequests Use Case Non Functional Requirements Bugs Tasks ProductionErrors Example Workflow
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Work ItemsTitle Description Current State Who it is assigned to Attachments Links to other Work Items Audited history Customizeable Closed Active Resolved Closed Active Resolved Proposed Use CaseTasksBugs “Work Items are the units of communications within the development team”
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Bulge in work in process (i.e. in testing) indicates inadequate resources or inadequate incoming quality Do We Need to Shift Resources?
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Business requirements captured and managed to enable end-to-end traceability Work Item Interface
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Visual Studio Team Work Item Types Quality Bug Quality of service Exit criteria OGF Test case Test issue Work Task Backlog Help topic KB article Release note Patent Build request Planning Scenario Requirement Experience Feature Product idea Value proposition Project management Issue Change request Risk Orange = customized MSF work item type White = new work item type
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Exit criteria summary
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Exit criteria over time
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Collecting more information for bugs
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Tracking feature progress
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Feature progress details
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Full integration into Microsoft Project for a real-time view of work items Project Planning
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Associate work items with each check-in to provide traceability from requirements to code Version Control
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Team Build Retooled for 2008 Build definition UI integrated into VS – Mappings – Triggers – Retention Policy – Target build agents – Manageable build queues
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Build Execution Build Initiated from TFS Prepare build agent and create build number Sync Sources Compile and Analyze Execute Tests Update Work Items Calculate Code Coverage Calculate Code Churn Produce Build Report Copy to Drop Publish Results to TFS Notify Event Subscribers BuildDefinition \ TFSBuild.proj
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Version Control Annotate Folder Diff Destroy Get Latest On Checkout Workspace improvements Offline improvements Extranet support for the TFS Proxy Command line help
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Defining a Branching Structure Should address at a minimum – New feature development and bug fixing—DEV – Product stabilization and readiness for release—MAIN – Sustained, quick-fix engineering for released products—PRODUCTION
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Evolving Branching Structure Balance competing code isolation needs for – new feature development – bug-fixes – stabilization – sustained engineering of releases May need to consider multiple isolation models StabilityNew Work Integration Bugfixes New Features Hotfixes Release Readiness
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Performance and Scalability 2008 is 2x faster than 2005 Any size team, any size project Deploying broadly across Microsoft – 7k active users, 1,000 projects, 25 TFS instances 2008 Hardware Recommendations
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 VSTS 2008 Investment Themes – Collaboration – Quality – Server Administration
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Improved Collaboration New change management features Continuous Integration Web Access Respond faster to new business needs Access to relevant information for faster decision making Business Value Improve governance and facilitate code auditing without adding overhead Adopt an agile way of building software Enhance your virtual teams experience and improve their productivity IT Value
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Discover who last changed a section of code and get detailed change set information New functionalities including Folder Diff, Annotate, Destroy, Get Latest on Checkout What is it? You can understand changes more easily Developers can be more productivity Why should I care?
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Automatically kick off a team- wide build on every check-in. A set of advanced build features to automatically re-build the application at every check-in What is it? You can reduce the scope of search for bugs by ensuring that integration bugs are found within the same day You can adopt a more agile way of working Why should I care?
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 A web interface for Team Foundation Server that allows managing work items, shared documents, reports and source control What is it? You can connect to TFS from virtually any platform You don’t need to install development tools to access team artifacts or consult team reports Why should I care?
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Code Quality Realistic load modeling New quality tools New performance tools New architecture tools Improve customer satisfaction Mitigate security and reliability risks Business Value Ensure better Quality of Service and reduce application downtime Reduce the cost of finding software defects Automatically identify risks in your code base IT Value
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 A new tool to create load tests that more accurately model real-world usage of an application or website Improved graphs to analyze load test results What is it? You don’t need to deploy your application in a production environment to test it against realistic conditions Analyzing results is made easier Why should I care? Model realistic loads based on a mix of usage profiles
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Support of AJAX and Java pop-ups Functionality to combine Web tests Support of CSV and XML test data sources, validation rules, correlation helper What is it? You can test rich interfaces You can become more productive Why should I care? Record AJAX applications Bind data files to your tests
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Metrics to monitor and find maintainability issues and error-prone code in your code base 20+ new rules, code analysis policy improvements, and the new T-SQL code analysis tool New database refactoring tools What is it? Your code “speaks” and tells you where it needs your attention The new and improved quality tools provide more accurate information Why should I care? Cyclomatic complexity calculations highlight complex and error-prone code
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 New features including Hot Path to find performance intensive code paths, report noise reduction, baseline reports comparison, line-level sampling, WPF support and 64 bit support What is it? You can identify the source of code performance issues more easily and with more accuracy You can use the profiler on more platforms Why should I care? Find processor intensive paths Compare results from two different performance sessions
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 System Designer functionalities enabling to start with the System Designer Synchronize code to a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) contract Support of ASP.NET Web applications What is it? You can adopt a top-down approach You can better synchronize architectural definitions with implementations Why should I care? Design and whiteboard the overall solution without constraints, leaving implementation details until later
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Improved Server Capabilities Performance, scalability and security improvements Offline support Migration Toolkit Improve employee productivity through reduced downtime and faster server response Safeguard your intellectual property Adopt VSTS 2008 with no business disruption Business Value Enable distributed development and development outsourcing Install, configure, and upgrade VSTS 2008 more easily Migrate at once or gradually to VSTS 2008 IT Value
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Work Item throughput has doubled to enable TFS to support more work item tracking users per server, be much more reliable and less likely to cause delays or other problems The option to require a secure connection to Team Build Offline support for version control and project management with Excel and Project What is it? Your team gains in productivity TFS will better scale up with your team and server downtime is decreased Your team members can work from remote locations You can better safeguard your software assets by enforcing secure protocols Why should I care?
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 New migration tools to move from the 2005 version to the 2008 version and facilitate migration from other source control systems What is it? Migration from the 2005 version of TFS is integrated You can develop or obtain tools to synchronize back-ends such as Mercury TestDirector, ClearCase, or ClearQuest You can gradually adopt TFS without having to make “all or nothing” decisions Why should I care? TFS 05 TFS 08 Migration from TFS 2005 TFS 05 CQ TFS 08 CQ Continuous Replication from ClearQuest / ClearCase TFS 08
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Agenda 17:15 – Raffle Draw
GAINING INSIGHT TOUR 2007 Team System Business Analyst Operations, QA and Help Desk Third-PartyIDEs Web Clients and XML Web Services