What is Technology?
Sharing is Learning … Every group share briefly what they think technology is?
What about these?
Technology is … (Def.) Human innovation that involves the generation of knowledge and process to develop systems that solve problems and extend human capabilities. Anything that was created to solve a humans problem.
Impacts of Technology Positive Most technologies are created, as the definition says, to solve practical problems Most technologies positively affect the world we live in to make life easier
Impacts of Technology Negative Most technologies solve a problem but create another
Outcomes of technology ExpectedUnexpected Usually positive outcomes and are intended for good Example: Henry Ford expected the automobile to make people more mobile Often new problems that are created via new technologies Often unwanted Example: Henry Ford did not expect the automobile to be a leading cause of pollution Not always bad, Gasoline is a perfect example of a positive unexpected outcome
Tradeoffs Do the positives outweigh the negatives Like the prescription drug commercial, are you willing to live with the side effects to have a desired outcome
© 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology, Third Edition / Technology, Engineering, and Design What is Technology Transfer? Often new technologies lead to a new process or a change in how processes and products are invented. Technology transfer occurs when a new user applies an existing innovation developed for one purpose in a different function.
© 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology, Third Edition / Technology, Engineering, and Design Reflection 1.Before robotics, how would the assembly of the car bodies had to have been done? 2.What are some other impacts of replacing human workers with technology?
© 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology, Third Edition / Technology, Engineering, and Design Example: Robotics Robotics is the most common example of a new technology that affects how other products are created. View the following video for a demonstration of how robotics changed the manufacturing of automobiles. Robots Video
© 2011 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association STEM Center for Teaching and Learning™ Foundations of Technology, Third Edition / Technology, Engineering, and Design NASA as a leader…. Many technologies developed by NASA for use in its aerospace program become used for common products here on Earth. Cooling Suits Insulation for pipelines Flame-resistant materials Velcro