Welcome 1.O
“Impact of Relationship” The European Project for 27 countries designed to define problems and actual issues connected with social media and Internet usage by youngsters
Target group Youngsters from 11 to 17
Promotion Instagram Facebook page: IOR Sweden
Strategy plan for “Impact of Relationship” project Offline sessions and events
1. Find your community! Blogging and socially “awkward” teens, based on research (published in Psychological Services by Meyran Boniel-Nissen and Azy Barak of the University of Haifa) Bloggers’ tips: how to make your blog a comfortable and interesting space and how to find the right community sharing same views, hobbies etc.
2. Cyber bullying: hate speech goes online! Real examples from the global web about how harmful hate speech can be, especially in vulnerable teen-age; the definition of hate speech *An accent has to be put on racism issues due to country and origin’s specify
Hate speech. It’s very easy: hate speech Noun speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientationrace,
3. Friendship 2.0: Does media make you more social? How social media affect teenagers communication, in which ways it can contribute to it or decrease it?
4. Use your smartphone in a smart way! A session about popular apps and which apps can be useful in studies (for example, dictionaries and language apps) or everyday life (travel- case packing, shopping list etc.)
5. Social media and studies Usu of social media in school and student life, student communities or creating specific groups, sharing materials and tips etc. + how social media can affect student life in a bad way, Discussion about how to stop frustrating in internet and time management tips
6. Private media Session about web-security, including personal information protection (bank details, address) and information that can potential be harmful if shared (for example, situation with robberies after updating status on FB about departing on vacation), tips on sharing data incl. photos and videos that can be misunderstood by future employers 7. Instagram and Pinterest: less words, more pictures! Observing of the most trendy among teenagers visual social networks: how teens express their personality using pictures of objects and themselves or objects and how communities are being formed
8. Future employment And example of developing of social media usage
Some psychological aspects of working with the target group: Teens are more likely to have “rebellious” approach towards any “preaching of sermon”…
Our “mantra”: social media IS fun, so… Let the fun begin: Connect with people and build relationships by sharing thoughts. Before you know it, you will be an active member of the community. Seniors join social networking sites to expand their horizons and find out what others are doing. They can stay in touch with old friends who moved away. It helps combat loneliness. Students enjoy educational opportunities where lesson topics, research, creative ideas, and interactive discussions are at their fingertips. Connect with people who share your same specific interests and activities. If you love football, you may join the "your team" football fan club, and have fun at the online tailgate party.
Get the dibs on trends and jobs. Share photo galleries, videos, initiate surveys and polls. Create a network of unlimited contacts. There is no limit to the number of friends you can have. Have fun swapping delightful recipes. If you like entertainment, hook up with "life of the party" individuals to share jokes etc. Get the tips on trends and jobs. Share photo galleries, videos, initiate surveys and polls. Create a network of unlimited contacts. There is no limit to the number of friends you can have.
But has some some dangerous aspect (that we’ve mentioned before :)…