P7 Parents Evening Wednesday 10 June 2015
Role Of Guidance Teacher First point of contact Overview of all in caseload Dealing with Concerns Tracking Attendance Tracking Academic Progress Careers Planning/Applications Teaching Learner Journey
Essentially, the Learner Journey at EHS is all about how each individual engages with options, choices, opportunities and experiences that are available between entry and exit points (start and finish of school). The key aim for our school is to ensure that each individual student leaves school with a positive destination that is fully appropriate to their personal skills, qualities, abilities and interests. This destination should be the preferred option for the individual who should also be equipped with sustainable, transferable employability skills such as numeracy, ICT skills, teamwork, research skills, creativity and effective communication. Destinations include college, university, employment, volunteering, Modern Apprenticeships, training and running your own business. These could also be considered as stepping stones towards the destination.
Uniform Black shoes – no boots or trainers Black skirt or trousers – no shorts or cropped trousers or jeans Ties needed from August PE kit
Expectations Poor behaviour not tolerated in classes Focus is on learning Sensible respectful behaviour expected during social times Have basic equipment as required No mobile phones used in class
Transport Bus passes Free travel for anyone in catchment area if more than 3 miles from the school Bus ‘rules’ Times after the summer
Classes/Timetable 15 different subjects in S1 33 period week times Use locker as required Get into good habits organising books etc at home Have copy of timetable at home Practical/non-practical/Maths/PE Registration
Typical S1 Timetable
Food/Lunchtime Refectory offer range of healthy food Sample menus FSME Young Scot Cards Out of school
House System/Achievement 5 Houses Lots of opportunities for gaining Merits/House points Recognition and Celebration of Achievement - Hall of Fame/Celebration of Success evening/Achievement website Market Place Very important to get involved with this
Clubs/Groups/Events Lunchtime clubs Sports Music/Drama Subject Trips Christmas Dance Community Involvement
School Values Excellence Responsibility Honesty Commitment Respect
Homework Homework diary Need to be organised Set high standards Different types of homework Study habits and tips Responsibility of students to meet deadlines Amount will increase over time
What To Do If? Absent – phone school before 8.30am Change details – inform school office asap Medical appointment – contact school office Concerns – contact Guidance teacher in the first instance