Complete your group information times and dates for school year
Start by filling in your school holidays. ‘Drag and drop’ to relevant weeks. Next, ‘drag and drop’ topic area from drop down options. Duplicate to suit. Used topics become shaded. You can add ‘ Your own topic’ to complete later. ‘Save’ your timetable.
To see what the topic covers, click on the title on the timetable to view Key questions, Summary of Outcomes and suggested resources. You can also delete the topic if placed incorrectly by clicking the ‘delete’ button.
When you ‘save’, this page appears. To complete ‘Your own topic’ click on title to open. Your pre-filled topics appear like this.
Complete to suit your topic
Click on the pre-filled topic title to see content. This can be edited to suit your setting and cohort. Save your changes.
Download the timetable or topic information
Sample timetable
Sample topic information
Click here to record activities such as assemblies, theatre group visits, etc.