This half term, in Y6, our curriculum theme is ‘North America’. In our curriculum theme we will be learning about North America – its countries, geographical features, people and history.
LITERACY In Literacy we will be focussing upon reading comprehension and improving our spelling. After SATs we will write presentations about the places we have studied in Theme.
Maths & Science In Maths we will be revising the following areas in preparation for our SATs: Fractions, percentages & decimals Measuring, drawing & calculating angles Written methods of multiplication & division Reading scales Reading & interpreting charts & graphs 2D & 3D shapes Please help your child to learn and practise their times tables as often as possible. In Science we will be learning about: Inheritance and Evolution: How we as humans have evolved over time and how we inherit our characteristics.
Key information Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday (Y6RC) and Tuesday and Friday (Y6RW) – please make sure your child has their correct PE kit in school on these day SATs week is the w/c 11 th May 2015 (we will send you details nearer the date) We will be running a ‘Y6 Breakfast Club’ during SATs week – details to follow. To reward the children for their hard work during SATs, we will be having a post SATs party on Friday 15 th May – details to follow.