Samantha Hurley
Developing Database Using the information given in the spread sheet on he website, I made a new spread sheet with a suitable format for all the data I needed to enter: The spread sheet was now suitable for the requirements the website had given.
Cell formatting All of the numbers used in my spread sheet were in pounds, so I formatted the cells to all be in “currency” Using conditional formatting, I was able to colour code my spread sheet so all fields “SURPLUS” were green and all fields “DEFICIT” were red. This would make it easier when trying to breakeven to see which fields were “DEFICIT” and needed to be fixed.
3D referencing 3D referencing can be used to take data from one part of the spread sheet and put it in another, meaning we don’t have to enter the same data repeatedly. This gave me the value for the salaries without having to enter it myself. When I dragged the 3D reference over all the salary cells, the rest of them appeared as 0. This is because Excel is still operating as if we were using relative referencing. To get the required values we have to use Absolute Cell Referencing, rather than 3D referencing.
Formulae Formula can be used to save when time when doing calculations. We can then drag this formula across the other cells so they are all calculated for us. We can also can use a formula to calculate the total of the membership costs.
Absolute cell referencing Absolute cell referencing can be used to take data from one part of the spreadsheet and insert it in multiple cells of the spreadsheet at one time. This is very time saving and allows us to deal with multiple cells at once. Now all cell values are the same and correct, without us having to enter them repeatedly. Now, if we change the formula so it is not stuck to the column, we can use this type of cell referencing to enter all data. All values had now been put into the required cells.
IF statements
Conditional formatting
Proposal 0 When the fees for the “WildCare Teens” and “WildCare Kids” are left at 0, there is an overall deficit at the end of the year. The costs of “WildCare Teens” and “WildCare Kids” are both £0 The deficit at the end of the year showed that I had to increase the costs of my memberships to reach a surplus
Proposal 1 Using the information gathered from other animal charities and their fees, I could make an initial proposal for the teens and kids cost. There was still a deficit at the end of the year, which told me that I had to increase the prices. I proposed that the cost for “WildCare Teens” was £20 and that the cost for “WildCare Kids” was £18.
Proposal 2 I increased the costs of the platinum, silver and gold membership because my research of other charities showed that these were a lot cheaper than similar memberships.