1 ILD – A Large Detector for ILC Nov. 6, 2007 Yasuhiro Sugimoto KEK
2 Contents ILC detectors Integration of GLD/LDC into ILD ILD study activity Summary
3 Requirements for ILC detectors ILC detectors should identify and measure 4-momenta of Benchmark processes
4 Performance goal Vertex Detector Impact param. res. : b = 5 10/(p sin 3/2 ) m Charm and ID is important : c ~ 100 m >> b Tracker p t /p t 2 = 5x10 -5 /GeV Calorimeter Jet energy resolution : Ej /E j = 30%/E j 1/2 Hermeticity Forward coverage down to ~5 mrad or Ej /E j = %
5 Detector concepts for ILC Four Detector Concepts: GLD, LDC, SiD, 4 th Three of them (GLD, LDC, SiD) are optimized for “PFA” Measure energy of each particle in a jet separately: Charged particles by tracker, s by ECAL, and neutral hadrons by HCAL Larger BR CAL 2 is preferable to separate charged tracks in the calorimeter Calorimeter should have fine granularity
6 Detector features GLDLDCSiD4-th TrackerTPC + Si-strip Si-stripTPC or DC Calorimeter PFA Rin=2.1m PFA Rin=1.6m PFA Rin=1.27m Compensating Rin=1.5m B3T4T5T 3.5T No return yoke BR CAL Tm Tm Tm 2 (non-PFA) E store 1.6 GJ1.7 GJ1.4 GJ 2.7 GJ Dual solenoid Size R=7.2m |Z|=7.5m R=6.0m |Z|=5.6m R=6.45m |Z|=6.45m R=5.5m |Z|=6.4m
7 Integration of GLD/LDC into ILD ILC Detector Roadmap Convergence of detector concepts from 4 to 2 by the end of next year in order to concentrate limited resources into engineering design activities Oct. 2007: LOI call by ILCSC Oct. 2008: LOI submission End of 2008: Two detectors for EDR are defined by IDAG By July 2010: Two Detector Engineering Design Reports (EDR) GLD and LDC have similar concept Calorimeter optimized for PFA TPC as the central tracker for excellent pattern recognition GLD and LDC agreed to write a single common LOI Study for the common design (ILD) has started
8 Short history of ILD Feb.2007: At ACFA WS at Beijing, serious discussion on the ILC detector roadmap has started Feb :A letter was sent from ILCSC to WWS co-chairs requiring to draw a roadmap to produce two detector EDRs by 2010 keeping pace with the accelerator schedule Mar.2007~:Detector roadmap working group is formed and several phone meetings have been held Apr.2007:Proposal of the “LOI process” to the roadmap W.G. Apr :The 1 st joint meeting of GLD-LDC contact persons May :GLD-LDC joint meeting at LCWS2007 and agreement on the joint effort towards a common LOI Jul.2007:GLD/LDC joint steering board (JSB) members are selected Aug :The 1 st JSB meeting and agreement on organizing working groups Sep :The name of the detector is decided as “ILD” (until formation of real collaboration) at the 3 rd JSB meeting Oct.2007:ILD meeting at ALCPG2007
9 Long history of GLD/LDC GLD 1992: “JLC-I report” 2T solenoid Jet chamber Non-PFA CAL 1998~: ACFA Workshop on physics/detector at LC (1 st at Beijing) 2001: “Particle Physics Experiments at JLC” 3T solenoid Smaller R CAL (1.6m) 2003: Internationalization of JLC JLC GLC 2004: ITRP decision (Warm Cold) PFA CAL Large R CAL (2.1m) TPC GLC detector GLD 2006: Detector Outline Document LDC 1998~: ECFA study on physics and detectors for LC 2001: TESLA TDR 4T solenoid TPC R CAL =1.68m 2004: ITRP decision TESLA detector LDC 2006: Detector Outline Document
10 GLD baseline design (VTX and SIT not shown)
11 LDC baseline design
12 GLD/LDC baseline design Sub-detectorGLDLDC Vertex det.FP CCD CPCCD/CMOS/DEPFET/ISIS/SOI/… Si inner trackerSi strip (4-layers)Si strip (2-layers) Si forward trk.Si strip/pixel (?) Main trk.TPC Additional trk.Si endcap/outer trk. (option)Si endcap/external trk. EM CALW-ScintillatorW-Si HCALFe(Pb)-ScintillatorFe-Sci./RPC*/GEM* Solenoid3T4T Muon det.Scintillator stripSci strip/PST/RPC Iron yoke(25cm + 5cm) x 9/10(10cm+4cm) x m Forward CALW-Si/Diamond * Digital HCAL
13 Expected performance Impact parameter resolution LayerR (mm) m Si-equivalent per layer is assumed GLD study Performance goal achieved
14 Expected performance Momentum resolution GLD study SiD study Performance goal achieved
15 Expected performance PFA performance E (GeV) Jet-energy resolution study by M.Thomson for LDC00 (BR 2 =11.6 : Larger than latest LDC) Performance goal almost achieved
16 ILD study activity Mandate To write a Letter of Intent (LoI) to produce a detector Engineering Design Report (EDR) Milestones May 2008:Define the baseline parameter set for the unified detector Oct.1,2008:Submit LoI
17 Letter of Intent LOI will include Detector design convincing of feasibility R&D plan for technologies which are not established Demonstration of physics performance Reliable cost estimation Description of the organization capable of making the engineering design Participating institutes Commitment of major labs LOI will NOT include Final technology choice for sub-detectors Several options will be preserved
18 ILD organization Joint steering board members selected in July 2008 T.Behnke, D.Karlen, Y.Sugimoto, H.Videau, G.Wilson, H.Yamamoto Our effort is now focused on unification of GLD/LDC and defining the optimized parameters of the ILD At present, we don’t have sub-groups for sub-detectors specific to ILD (contrasting to SiD) Information of sub-detectors will be obtained from existing horizontal collaborations (LC-TPC, CALICE, SiLC, etc.) For the design of ILD, three working groups are organized Detector optimization W.G. (M.Thomson, T.Yoshioka) MDI/Integration W.G. (K.Busser, T.Tauchi) Cost W.G. (A.Maki, H.Videau)
19 Charge of W.G.s Detector Optimization Investigate the dependence of the physics performance of the ILD detector on basic parameters such as TPC radius and B-field. On the basis of these studies and the understanding of any differences observed the WG will make recommendations for the optimal choice of parameters for the ILD detector MDI/Integration The MDI/working group is charged to produce a self-consistent design of the structure of the ILD detector from the viewpoint of machine-detector interface (MDI) and detector integration for the LOI that is to be submitted by October 1, Specifically, it covers the design of the beam pipes, magnets, iron return yoke, beam instrumentations, and their supports that require works by the detector group. Also, it should address general detector structure and assembly issues, where the aspects that affect the machine design will have initial priority. Beam background studies should be performed when necessary. The group should work closely with the machine people and the groups working on subdetectors that affect the structure of the ILD detector.
20 Optimization procedure Estimate physics performance for selected benchmark processes as a function of detector parameters At first, we define the mesh-points in multi-dimensional phase space of parameters: i.e., GLD, GLD’, LDC’, LDC, and simulation study will be done at these mesh-points Sub-detectorParameterGLDGLD’LDC’LDC TPCRin (m) Rout (m) Zmax (m) Barrel ECALRin (m) MaterialSci/W Si/W Barrel HCALMaterialSci/Fe Endcap ECALZmin (m) SolenoidB field (T) VertexRin (mm)
21 Next step Once the common parameters are determined in May 2008, more benchmark processes should be studied to demonstrate the performance of ILD Guideline of benchmark processes will be shown by Research Director (concept groups can give him inputs)
22 Engineering challenge of GLD Optimization W.G. does not discuss about “real world” A lot of realistic engineering issues will be studied/discussed in the MDI/Integration W.G., such as How to support sub-detectors How to integrate sub-detectors into a detector system Surface assembly scheme (CMS style?) Detector alignment Power consumption and cooling method Amount of cables and pipes coming out from the detector Location and size of electronics-hut Design of back-end electronics and DAQ system Design of detector solenoid with anti-DID (Detector Integrated Dipole) and flux-return yoke How to open and maintain the detector How to make it compatible with the push-pull scheme …
23 How to join ILD Join Working Groups Mailing list subscription from Join working group meetings d=129 d=129 Join sub-detector R&D relevant to ILD
24 ILD calendar NowWorking group phone meetings Jan. 2008ILD meeting in Europe Mar. 2008ILD meeting associated with ACFA workshop in Sendai (TILC08) May. 2008Define the baseline parameter Jun. 2008ILD meeting at ECFA workshop in Warsaw Aug.-Sep. 2008Shall we have ILD meeting in Asia? Oct 2008LoI submission
25 Future prospect beyond LOI EDR Feature of detector EDR in 2010 Used as a proposal of the ILC project to governments together with accelerator EDR Not a construction-ready design report The design described in the EDR could be changed depending on the outputs from LHC and/or detector R&D after 2010 Construction-ready EDR (or TDR) will supposedly be made in (?) Resource It requires a sizable resource to make an EDR We have to make all efforts to get the resource
26 Summary ICFA/ILCSC called for LOI to be submitted by Oct.2008 Two detector concepts will write EDRs by 2010 GLD and LDC spontaneously merged into ILD and will write a common LOI There are so many issues to be studied towards LOI and EDR Optimization study for the common detector parameters Simulation studies to demonstrate ILD performance Engineering studies for MDI/detector integration Sub-detector R&D We are at a phase of great fun – Don’t miss the opportunity!