For Board Discussion: How Many People Will We Serve in the Future? May 2012
What are the zip codes of our admissions over the past five years. Our service area is where the majority of these zip codes are clustered/located. Step 1: Identify Our Service Area
Step 2: Look at Our Service Use What percentage of people aged 65+ in our service area reside in a nursing home? (National average = 3.6%. Statewide average = 5.7%. Kansas rural average = 6.8%.) What percentage of people aged 85+ in our service area reside in a nursing home? (Statewide average = 27.5%. Kansas rural average = 33.2%.)
Step 2: Look at Our Service Use What was our average daily census ten years ago? What has our average daily census been in the last year?
Step 3: Trends in Our Service Area 1.What are the projected demographic trends in our service area? 2.Who are our competitors? (ex. hospital, assisted living, home health, other)
Step 3: Trends in Our Service Area How will KanCare impact us? (A goal of KanCare is to care for people in lower cost settings.) What services do older adults in our service area want? What services do their adult children want for their parents?
1.What will our census be in 10 years? 2.What will this mean for our operations, finances and programs? 3.How will our services need to change and diversify to meet future demand? 4.What actions should we take now to begin to prepare for this? Step 4: Reflect on Our Future
This presentation was prepared by LeadingAge Kansas, the statewide association providing advocacy, education, information, networking opportunities and dollar-stretching programs for not-for-profit aging service providers. For further information,