Federalist handicaps Alien and Sedition Acts Hamiltonian wing of party split with Adams No war with France—mobilization but no war New Taxes (including stamp tax) Jefferson’s mud Accused of robbing a widow, having mulatto children, liberal in religion he was accused of being an atheist
Jefferson won the election 73 to 65, Adams lost because Burr swung NY to Jefferson, he also got the western states that had universal manhood suffrage, 3/5’s clause gave him more votes in the south Jefferson tied with Burr and the House chose Jefferson Adams was the last Federalist President, party disappeared Why was it revolutionary? Jefferson saw it as a return to the ideals of the revolution Peaceful transition of power from one party to the other
Pardoned those punished by the Alien and Sedition Acts Naturalization law of 1802 Five years of residency to become a citizen Repealed the Excise tax Jefferson left Hamilton’s program intact Didn’t kill the bank, kept the tariffs, funding at par, assumption, etc Sec of Treasury Gallatin tried to balance the budget Jefferson’s restraint in keeping the federalist programs intact helped cement the two party system
Judiciary Act of 1801 Congress created several new judgeships before leaving office to ensure the judiciary remained Federalist Marbury v. Madison Judicial Review Impeachment of Samuel Chase Set precedent of only using impeachment for high crimes
North African Barbary pirates Plundered ships in Med and blackmailed nations Tripoli unofficially declared war on the US Jefferson sent in the navy who eventually won
France got Louisiana from Spain in 1800 in hopes of creating an American empire America lost right to trade down the Mississippi River 1803 Napoleon sold all of Louisiana to US for $15 Million France lost Santo Domingo to Toussaint L’Ouverture Napoleon needed the money to fight Britain Jefferson didn’t believe the purchase was constitutional Didn’t want to expand powers of President but he needed the land to be able to expand the “empire of liberty”
Purchase helped avoid a war with France—Napoleon Wars Laid foundations for a world power Brought in those inhabitants as equals not colonies, not Indians just the Europeans Helped US stay isolationist, got rid of the last Europeans on the continent Lewis and Clark Expedition Sent to explore the new area, led by Sacajawea Demonstrated the ability to go overland to the Pacific Gave US claim to Oregon Territory
Burr plotted the secession of New England and New York back to Britain Hamilton exposed the conspiracy, cost Burr the election for governor of NY and they fought a duel Burr went to Louisiana and tried to create his own country Was acquitted of treason because he only wanted to commit the acts and was stopped before he could In France he tried to get Napoleon to invade the US
Jefferson easily won reelection in 1804 Napoleonic Wars broke out in 1803 US tried to remain neutral and trade with both countries 1806 Britain issued the Orders in Council Closed French ports to shipping unless the vessels first stopped at a British port Napoleon ordered the seizure of all ships that entered British ports British impressments Some 6,000 US Citizens between Chesapeake Affair British frigate attacked a US frigate to impress 4 sailors
US was not in a position to fight Jefferson’s antinavalism, weak army, against everything Jefferson believed in Embargo of 1807 Cut off essential American foodstuffs and war material from Europe Led to the a depression of the American economy Repealed in 1809 replaced with Non-Intercourse Act that allowed trade with all nations of the world except France and Britain New England opened factories to replace trade and Jefferson actually pushed towards the industrial revolution that he feared the most
Macon’s Bill No. 2 Which ever country, France or Britain, dropped its trade restrictions first, the US would trade with them and keep an embargo against the other Napoleon in a round about way dropped the French trade restrictions but Britain wouldn’t, US started trading with France Basically ended American neutrality
War Hawks, young Southerners and Westerners in Congress replaced the federalists that favored Britain Wanted war with Britain and the Indians Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa, the Prophet Put together an Indian confederacy to fight the US Gave up textile clothing, alcohol, and other non traditional aspects of their culture British were also pushing the Indians against the US William Henry Harrison Gov of Indiana Territory, gathered an army and went after Tecumseh The Prophet, with Tecumseh gone, attacked Harrison but were defeated handily at the Battle of Tippecanoe Tecumseh Fought for the British until he died in 1813 at the Battle of the Thames
British pushing Indians against the US, Impressment, War Hawks, all convinced Madison war was necessary He also believed that if America didn’t fight to protect its rights then the Republican experiment would fail The vote for war was close (House) (Senate) Vote was sectional and partisan, South and West, also Penn and Virginia and Republicans wanted to fight New England opposed it almost to the point of treason, they traded across the border gave info to the British, supplies, loans, etc