MASTERAL THESIS The Effectiveness of Integrating the Theory of Constraints for Education in the Teaching-Learning Process in English I
Specific Problems 1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of 1.1 gender 1.2 monthly family income 1.3 type of school graduated from 1.4 grades in English I? * Statistical Tools Mean, Percentage, Rank
*Findings Table 1. Frequency, Percentage and Rank Distribution of the Respondents in Terms of Their Profile Profilef%Rank Gender Male54521 Female49482 Total103100
Profilef%Rank Monthly Family Income 40,001 – above664 20,001 – 40, ,001 – 20, ,001 – 10, ,001 – 5, Total103100
Profilef%Rank Type of School Graduated From Public Private222 Total103100
Profilef%Rank Grades In English 86 – – – Total103100
2. What is the level of performance of the respondents before and after exposure to TOCFE thinking tools in terms of 2.1 Communication Skills Cloud Branch Ambitious Target 2.2. Behavioral Skills Cloud Branch Ambitious Target? *Statistical Tool: Mean and Standard Deviation
*Findings Computed Mean on the Level of Performance of the Students Before and After Exposure to TOCFE Thinking Tools in Terms of Communication and Behavioral Skills
Legend: –5- Very Highly Skilled – Highly Skilled – Average Skilled – Fairly Skilled – Poorly Skilled – Very Poorly Skilled
COMMUNICATION SKILLS ToolsPre TestPost Test Average comp mean SDVIAverage comp mean SDVI Cloud2.18SDFS AS Branch PS FS Ambitious Target PS FS Grand Mean 1.51PS2.29FS AS Average Skilled FS Fairly Skilled PS Poorly Skilled
HS Highly Skilled AS Average Skilled FS Fairly Skilled BEHAVIORAL SKILLS Tools Pre TestPost Test Average Comp meanSDVI Average comp meanSDVI Cloud FS HS Branch FS AS Ambitious Target PS FS Grand Mean1.86FS2.76AS
CONCLUSION TOCFE thinking tools helped the respondents improve their academic performance.
Is there a significant difference on the level of performance of the students in English I before and after exposure to TOCFE thinking tools in terms of communication and behavioral skills? *Statistical Tool: independent t-test
*Findings Computed t-value on the Difference on the Level of Performance of the Students in English Before and After Exposure to TOCFE Thinking Tools in Terms of Communication Skills
Communic ation Skills Before Exposur e After Exposure Mean Differenc e dfComputed t-value Tabular t-value HoHo VI Cloud RejectS Branch RejectS Ambitious Target RejectS Communication Skills HoHo VI CloudRejectS BranchRejectS Ambitious TargetRejectS
*Findings Computed t-value on the Difference on the Level of Performance of the Students in English Before and After Exposure to TOCFE Thinking Tools in Terms of Behavioral Skills
Behavioral Skills Before Exposur e After Exposure Mean Difference dfComputed t-value Tabular t-value HoHo VI Cloud RejectS Branch RejectS Ambitious Target RejectS Behavioral SkillsHoHo VI CloudRejectS BranchRejectS Ambitious TargetRejectS
How effective are the TOCFE thinking tools in teaching English I as revealed by the pre test and post test result? *Statistical Tool: dependent t-test
*Findings Computed t-value on the Effectiveness of the TOCFE
Communication SkillsBeforeAfter Mean Difference Computed t-value Tabular t-value HoHo VI Cloud Reject S Branch Reject S Ambitious Target Reject S Communication Skills HoHo VI Cloud RejectS Branch RejectS Ambitious Target RejectS
Behavioral Skills BeforeAfter Mean Difference Computed t-value Tabular t-value HoHo VI Cloud Reject S Branch Reject S Ambitious Target Reject S Behavioral Skills HoHo VI CloudRejectS BranchRejectS Ambitious TargetRejectS
Is there a significant difference on the level of effectiveness of TOCFE thinking tools in teaching English I with respect to gender, monthly family income, type of school graduated from and grades in English I? *Statistical Tool: Two Way Anova
*Findings Computed F-ratio on the Difference on the Level of Effectiveness of TOCFE Thinking Tools in Teaching English I with Respect to Gender, Monthly Family Income, Type of School Graduated From and Grades in English I Legend: df = 4/98 level of significance = 0.05
Legend: df = 4/98 level of significance = 0.05 Variables Computed F-ratio Tabular F-ratio HoHo VI Gender AcceptNS Monthly Family Income AcceptNS Type of School Graduated From AcceptNS Grades in English I RejectS
Recommendations: 1. Integrate or use the TOCFE thinking tools across the curriculum not only in English but also in other learning areas as well. 2. Conduct TOCFE training program for the students, teachers and school managers to enhance their communication skills and behavioral skills. 3. Conduct similar studies to find out the effect of the TOCFE thinking tools using other variables.
Thank you very much. God bless.