Introduction For this course LMCK1621 Etika & Profesional, I will talk about what task already done in the Robot Soccer's Club.
What is the task ? Create a rule app for Androsot robot.
Why I doing the task? Because can convenient to reference the rule.
How I doing the task? Create an android app using Eclipse. Save at Dropbox. Using the QR code to download the app.
Interface Rule Androsot
For the LMCI 1621 ETIKA In the competition Fira have their own etika rule, this app can let my Androsot member and me to easy follow the etika rule. PROFESIONAL After this app is done we can follower the rule on the competition Fira to show our profesional in the game competition.
I believe these app will help our Androsot member when Fira competition. And I feel happy because can make this task, and I think this can continual to do for other category robot rules. Conclusion