boy boys churchchurches dictionary dictionaries house houses key keys Plural - Review
+s boys +esch, sh, s, ss, x, consonant + o potato potatoes radio radios Plural - Review
+ies consonant + y monkeymonkeys lady ladies Plural - Review family families
man men womanwomen foot feet person people mouse mice Plural - irregular
Grammar Spot - Review What’s this? It’s …. What’s = What is It’s = It is
pencilcase notebook rubber pen bag colour pencil ruler sharpener
computerdesk & chair blackboard window
Instructions c i g d a j e f b h
Instructions Give me… Point to… Touch… Open… Shut/Close…
Your World: Talking about origins
Your World Australia Brazil Egypt China England France Italy Hungary Japan Russia Spain The United States
A. Where are you from? B. I’m from the USA. I’m from New York. Your World
A. Where are you from? B. I’m from ….. I’m from…. Your World
His name’s… He’s… Her name’s… She’s …
Grammar Spot – to be Positive I am = I’m You are = You’re He is = He’s She is = She’s It is = It’s
Grammar Spot – to be Positive We are = We’re You are = You’re They are = They’re
Grammar Spot – to be Negative I am not = I’m not You are not = You aren’t He is not = He isn’t She is not = She isn’t It is not = It isn’t
Grammar Spot – to be Negative We are not = We aren’t You are not = You aren’t They are not = They aren’t
Grammar Spot – to be Interrogative –Yes & No ques. Are you…? Yes, I am / No, I’m not. Is he ….? Yes, he is / No, he isn’t. Is she …? Yes, she is / No, she isn’t.
Grammar Spot – to be Interrogative –Yes & No ques. Are you…? Yes, we are / No, we aren’t. Are they …? Yes, they are / No, they aren’t.
Grammar Spot – possessive adjectives my your his (m) her (f) its (thing) Your World
Grammar Spot – possessive adjectives our your their Your World
Grammar Spot – to be What’s = What is Where’s = Where is
Grammar Spot – to be What’s his name? Where’s he from? What’s her name? Where’s she from?
His from Hungary. Her from Egypt Her from Russia Her from Brazil His from England His from China Her from Australia
Grammar Spot Where _______ you from? Where _______ she from? Where _______ he from? Where _______ they from? are is are
See you next week.