Disability 1. Consequence of an impairment that may be:- Physical Cognitive Mental Sensory Emotional Developmental Combination
Disability 2. Umbrella term:- Impairment, problem with body function or structure Activity limitation, difficulty executing a task or action Participation, limitation in involvement in life situations
Disability 3. Exclusion from mainstream society Eg deafness/ autism Disability? Or Developmental difficulty unfairly stigmatised by society?
Disability 4. Impairment in person’s ability to function caused by changes in various parts of the body
Disability 5. Inherited Congenital Acquired. Prison?? Unknown
Disability 6. Physical – lifting limbs Balance Intellectual Mental Pervasive Development disorder:- Autism, Aspergers and others Non visible Diabetes Fibromyalgia Epilepsy
The Law UK Disability Discrimination Act 1995, extended 2005:- Unlawful to discriminate (without justification) Equality Act Includes Disability, Age, Gender reassignment, Marriage, Race, Sex, Religion, sexual orientation Height, Thin, Fat, Not being nice?
Nice Rheumatologist
RA TREATMENTS Put up with it Advice on joint protection Analgesics Physio, OT, Hydrotherapy, Podiatry, NSAIDs Morphine? DMARDS Steroids Biologics Steroids Surgery Morphine etc Acupuncture if chronic change
RA Drug treatment (Morphine)
RA DMARDS- time to help 3 months
RA Asessement tool -DAS28 Disease Assesesment Score Number of swollen joints Number of tender joints Patient’s VAS out of 10 ESR 5.2 eligible for Biologics if hah 2 DMARDS including MTX ( Europe accept DAS of 3.4 –treating earlier and more aggressively)
RA Biologics-Time to help days to 3/6 mths
OA therapy
OA Treatment Put up with it Paracetamol NSAIDs (?) Physiotherapy Glucosamine Alternative Cod liver oil Wheel Chair Surgery Lose weight Don’t play football, ?sport Morphine etc
Ankylosing spondylitis
AS BASDAI- Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index 1-10 of Fatigue Spinal pain Joint swelling Enthesitis (morning stiffness) (MS Severity ) mean of these two Divide by 5, ie 1-10, >=4 bad
AS drugs
AS Biologics
Fibromyalgia rheumatica
Fibromyalgia treatments
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Cook: Mr Spiggott - you are, I believe, auditioning for the part of Tarzan.Tarzan Moore: Right. Cook: Now Mr Spiggott, I couldn't help noticing - almost at once - that you are a one-legged person. Moore: You noticed that?
Cook: Need I say with over much emphasis that it is in the leg division that you are deficient. Moore: The leg division? Cook: Yes, the leg division, Mr Spiggott. You are deficient in it to the tune of one. Your right leg, I like. I like your right leg. A lovely leg for the role. That's what I said when I saw you come in. I said, "A lovely leg for the role". I've got nothing against your right leg. The trouble is – neither have you.