What type of company was Virginia Company? Ans: A Joint-stock company
What Native American group helped Jamestown survive? Answer: The Powhatan
Who introduced a new strain of tobacco to Jamestown that would make it profitable ? Answer: John Rolfe
What rich landowner came to the aid of poor frontiersmen,raised an army and burned Jamestown? Answer: Nathaniel Bacon
What term referred to the global transfer of living things between New World and Old World? The Columbian Exchange
What was the law-making body of Virginia? House of Burgesses
Who said “He that shall not work,shall not eat”? Captain John Smith
Who was the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony? John Winthrop
What kind of city did John Winthrop say the Puritans would build? “City upon a Hill”
These two were famous “voices of dissent” Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson
True or False: The Puritans were a very tolerant society that believed every personshould worship the way they see fit. False. They were a very intolerant society that kept a watchful eye on everyone.
What is the SIGNIFICANCE of Bacon’s Rebellion? Established a precedent in the colonies where people who felt they were not being represented would revolt.
This event ended the Native American resistance in Northern Colonies and resulted in death one-tenth of able-bodied Puritan men. King Philip’s war
This was the name of the Pilgrim Colony Plymouth Colony
This was an agreement by the Pilgrims that the men signed and agreed to create a civil government and pledged loyalty to the king Mayflower Compact
Explain the Headright system 50 acres for every person who pays his or another’spassge to the New World
Who married Pocahontas? John Rolfe
These people came to the new world to work 4-7 years in exchange for passage, food and shelter Indentured servant
What major event happened in 1619? Dutch ship brought 20 African slaves to America.
What European country established a colony at what is today New York City? Holland
Sir William Berkeley’s refusal to protect Virginia’s frontier led to what event? Bacon’s Rebellion
As far as the type of people who established the colony, how was Massachusetts Bay Colony very different from Virginia’s Jamestown. They were mostly families in Mass. Bay, while most Virginians settled as single men.
What was the major cash crop in Jamestown that was even used as a form of currency? Tobacco/”Brown Gold”
Who established the Quaker colony in Pennsylvania and called it a “Holy experiment”? William Penn
The voyage taken by slaves on their journey from Africa to the plantations of the Americas was called?? Middle Passge
What was the name of the colony that the King of England created in the New World after revoking the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter and making it a “royal colony”? Dominion of New England
What was the name of England’s policy whereby they relaxed enforcement of the Navigation Acts in exchange for economic loyalty? (Hint: Seeds of self-government) Salutary Neglect
Who said that “forced religion stinks in the nostrils of God” and established his own colony in Rhode Island based on principles of tolerance and religious freedom? Roger Williams
Who was the hated Governor of New Amsterdam that asked his citizens to fight the English when they attacked, but they refused, and it became “New York”? Peter Stuyvesant
What was the British policy where a favorable balance of trade was more gold and silver coming in than going out? Mercantilism
Since it was considered to be an economic threat, Great Britain passed this LAW to restrict colonial trade with other countries?? Navigation Acts
What was the THREE WAY trading network involving the exchange of goods and people from the New World, Caribbean, and Africa? Triangular Trade
What was the name of the event in which Protestants William of Orange (from Holland) and Mary were asked by Parliament to overthrow absolutist King James in England?? The Glorious Revolution.
Half-Way Covenant Half-Way Covenant-Puritans not much religious tolerance. By Mid 1600s Puritan ideal under pressure to change Church Ministers agreed to “Half-Way covenant where children of members of church admitted as half-way members. This allowed them to be baptized, but not vote.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Thomas Hooker led a small congregation from Massachusetts who left the colony’s rocky soil and established a colony in Connecticut where land was more suitable for farming. Here they established a series of laws called Fundamental Orders of Connecticut to govern the colony. Considered to be the first written Constitution in Western tradition of law.