13 Colonies
The Southern Colonies Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia
Settlement in Jamestown 1607 first colonists from the Virginia London Company (joint-stock company) arrived in Jamestown. Settlers mostly English gentlemen hoping to get rich Unprepared for life in the New World Many of the first settlers died of disease and malnutrition
Captain John Smith organized settlers into work details. Forced settlers to work on finding food and building shelter. No Work, No Food New settlers arrive in Jamestown. Most died during the “starving time”. John Rolfe introduces tobacco to Jamestown. This makes money for Jamestown.
Virginia Becomes a royal colony-ruled by a governor chosen by the king. Tobacco farmers established large farms called plantations. Headright system: – Colonists who paid their own way to colony received 50 acres of land. Received 50 more acres for every additional person brought over.
Labor in Virginia Indentured servants: servants who signed a contract to work for 4-7 years for those who paid for their passage to the colony Dutch ship brought the first Africans – Some were servants who became successful farmers at end of term – Others were slaves Eventually demand for workers too great for the supply of indentured servants. Slave labor became the norm
Maryland 1620 George Calvert asked King Charles I for a charter to establish a colony for Catholics 1632 charter issued to Calvert’s son. Proprietary colony-colony’s proprietors, or owners, controlled the government Raised corn, cattle, and hogs to eat. Raised tobacco for profit.
Carolinas and Georgia 1633 King Charles II gave land to supporters 1712 colony separated into North and South Carolina North Carolina settled by farmers who moved from south from Virginia South Carolina settled by Europeans. Those who paid their way over received large grants of land.
Carolinas and Georgia Brought slaves with them ,000 slaves in the colony, 10,000 white settlers 1732 King George II granted a charter to James Oglethorpe to found Georgia Hoped to shield other colonies from Spanish Fl.
Georgia Oglethorpe wanted Georgia to be a haven for debtors to make a new life.
Economies of Southern Colonies Depended on agriculture Exported materials such as wood and tar for ship building Grew cash crops-sold for profit Tobacco, indigo, rice important cash crops
New England Colonies Puritans-Protestant group that wanted to reform the Anglican Church. Pilgrims-English Protestants who wanted to separate from the Church of England 1620 Mayflower left England for Virginia. Storm blew them off course-landed far north out of authority of Virginia law.
Mayflower Compact-legal contract in which the people of the Mayflower agreed to have laws to protect the general good-1 st attempt at self-government in the English colonies. Pilgrims and Puritans came to America to avoid religious persecution ships of Puritans came to Massachusetts seeking religious freedom
Massachusetts Bay Colony Charter gave more independence than a royal colony-created General Court. Each town in the colony sent delegates to the court, which served as the governing body Politics and religion closely linked. Government leaders had to be church members, ministers had a lot of power, only male church members could vote
Connecticut 1636 Thomas Hooker and his followers leave Massachusetts Fundamental Orders of Connecticut-allowed men who were not church members to vote and made government more democractic
Rhode Island Roger Williams criticized church in Massachusetts-forced to leave. Found settlement of Providence. Supported separation of church from state
New England Economy Based on trade and farming Harsh climate and rocky soil not good for cash crops Families raised crops for own use Merchants traded local products-became powerful and wealthy Waters off the New England coast rich in fish Shipbuilding due to forests of the area
Education in the Colonies Education important Parents wanted children to be able to read the Bible Massachusetts 1 st colony to pass laws requiring parents to provide school for children Schools to be established in every township of 50 families
1636 Harvard College established. Taught ministers 1693 William and Mary established in Virginia By 1700 about 70% of men and 45% of women in New England could read and write. Number much lower in Virginia. Why?
Middle Colonies New York and New Jersey created by the English from former Dutch territory. New Jersey-proprietary colony-diverse population of Dutch, Swedes, Finns, and Scots. Fur Trade important to the economies of NY and NJ Quakers-large religious group in NJ-persecuted in America and England
1681 Quaker, William Penn received a charter to establish Pennsylvania to provide a safe place for Quakers Promised religious freedom to all Christians Government-elected assembly Important example of representative self- government-a government that reflects its citizens’ will 1682 Penn buys an area south of Pennsylvania from the Duke of York-becomes known as Delaware
Economy of Middle Colonies Supported by trade and staple crops Staple crops-crops that are always needed- wheat, oats, barley. Farmers raised livestock Slaves worked in cities as skilled laborers Indentured servants important ,000 indentured servants came to the middle colonies-1/2 to Penn.
Trade important Merchants in Philadelphia and New York City exported colonial goods to market in England