CalACT Conference 2009 Presented by: Max Calder, Executive Director, FACT
FACT Founding Members and Origins Alane Haynes – ADA Administrator, North County Transit District, NCTD Floyd Willis – Executive Assistant to the Director, Aging and Independent Services, San Diego County Rob Carley – Executive Director, Area Board XIII, Office of State Council on Developmental Disabilities Lloyd Davis - Counselor, San Diego Center for the Blind
FACT Board Members Teresa Barth – Encinitas (North San Diego Coastal) Bob Campbell – Vista (North San Diego Inland) Susan Hafner – La Jolla (Mid San Diego Coastal) Lori Holt-Pfeiler - Escondido (North San Diego Coastal) Phil Monroe – Coronado (South San Diego Coastal) Dave Roberts – Solana Beach (North San Diego Coastal) (six of nine seats currently filled)
FACT Vision and Mission Vision – All people living and visiting San Diego will have full mobility within their community by an accessible transportation system that meets their individual needs. Mission – Creation of a transportation system that will provide access and mobility to the people of San Diego County: Creating Partnerships and eliminating barriers Coordinating existing resources Augmenting existing resources Accessing additional sources of funding Developing alternative models of transportation
Current Conditions in San Diego County San Diego County covers more than 5,000 square miles. Population just under 3 Million. Two Transit Districts & a multitude of disaggregated services provided by agencies, non-profits, faith based organizations, volunteers, social services and others. Like all communities the demographics and needs of Senior Citizens, Individuals with Disabilities and those falling into the category of “Economically Disadvantaged” are growing.
FACT as a Nonprofit Organization FACT formed a Board of Directors, created a non-profit organization and hired staff in Became the regional CTSA in September Active community campaign to galvanize efforts at service coordination. Manages two websites that provide regional information. and Vision toward maintaining core-CTSA functions and building upon that foundation.
FACT as the CTSA FACT is under contract with the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to improve, consolidate and coordinated transportation services. FACT is obligated to maintain the STRIDE website, manage the inventory of service providers, oversee the Council for Access and Mobility (CAM) and provide many other core services. The longer term structure and organizational development of “FACT” is being defined.
FACT’s Long Term Development & Service Provision Mobility Management (Defining the critical elements to be addressed by FACT). Independently performing each function at a high level would be of great value to the region, while coordinating all collectively is the ultimate vision. Information Training Maintenance Vehicle Acquisition and Loan Travel Training Involvement with Transit Agencies Service Provision (Contracted Directly or Brokered)
New Freedom Funding and other Grants FACT has just under $1 million in NF 2006 and 2007 awards to develop a regional mobility management center. Supervisor Bill Horn has generously contributed $64,000 to be used as match against NF 2007 implementation. CTSA annual operating revenues are just over $100,000. FACT has also been awarded a Senior Mini Grant 2009 – 2011 for approximately $125,000 to provide trips for Senior Citizens.
Immediate Next Steps Host our annual Board Retreat to determine FACT’s regional role. Develop a strategic business plan. Implement SMG and NF 2007 programs. Enhance core-CTSA functionality and performance. Work with the region to develop modular coordinated programs that rest on the foundation of community demand & support.
Thank You for Visiting San Diego! Max Calder Executive Director