Bones and joints
Classification of joints Function Immoveable = synarthroses [sutures of skull] Slightly moveable = amphiarthroses [intervertebral discs; pubic sympysis] Freely moveable = diarthroses [synovial joints – knee, elbow
Synovial joints – most common joint in body (pg 102) Saddle – waving hand Ball-and-Socket – arm/leg circles Pivot – rotation – proximal ends radius & ulna; atlas & axis Hinge –up & down – elbow, knee Gliding – sliding/twisting various planes – wrist, ankle Condyloid - shallow ball & socket – between metacarpals & phalanges
Stretched or torn ligaments Accompanied by internal bleeding (bruising), swelling and pain Ankle most common Take a long time to heal because ligaments have few cells and poor blood supply Stretches mend with time Tears may require surgery to remove damaged tissue and stabilize with a piece of tendon or repositioning other ligaments Sprains
Bursae Bursa – a flattened fibrous sac lined with synovial membrane and containing a thin film of synovial fluid Found where ligaments and bones rub together These bags of fluid act as ball bearings to reduce friction during joint movements
General term for joint inflammation Most common – osteoarthritis – degenerative wear and tear – 20 million Americans >45 Bony spurs form as cartilage wears away and bones thicken Increased friction causes painful inflammation OTC meds can help, surgical joint replacement in severe cases; injections of hyaluric acid (a component of hyaline cartilage) can reduce knee pain temporarily Arthritis
Also causes joint inflammation but it is caused by the body’s own immune system (autoimmune disorder) which mistakenly attacks the joint tissues Rheumatoid arthritis