TERTIARY ORGANIZATION The third level in protein organization. Polypeptide chain folded into a three-dimensional conformation. This protein presents in sweat, saliva and tears.
STRUCTURE The polypeptide chain folds and bends over itself due to the interactions among the R groups and the peptide backbone. Weak hydrogen and ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactions.
WEAK INTERACTIONS Hydrogen bonds among polar side chains Ionic bonds between positively and negatively charged R groups Hydrophobic interactions among the hydrophobic R groups. Hydrophobic side chain are forced inwards when the hydrophilic interacts with water. Covalent bonds between sulfur atoms to create disulfide bond/
QUATERNARY The fourth (last) level of protein organization It involves multiple polypeptide chains to form a single structure. Prosthetic or non-polypeptide groups has a quaternary level structure. Proteins with quaternary structure is called conjugated proteins. E.g. Haemoblogin