Task XV Extension: Task Status Report Dr David Crossley Managing Director Energy Futures Australia Pty Ltd IEA DSM Executive Committee Meeting New Delhi, India 3 April 2008
Purpose of Task XV Extension ●The purpose of the Task XV extension is: ► to enable new members to access and contribute to the already completed work in Task XV; and ► to carry out an additional new Subtask on load control and smart metering for electricity networks
Task XV New Participants Participating Organisations within Countries India ●Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India New Zealand ●Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority ●Electricity Commission ●Electricity Networks Association ●Ministry of Economic Development ●TransPower South Africa ●Eskom
Additional Objective and Subtask Additional Objective ●To investigate in detail the role of load control and smart metering in achieving network-related objectives Subtask 6: Role of Load Control and Smart Metering in Achieving Network-related Objectives ●Subtask Objective: To investigate in detail the role of load control and smart metering in achieving network-related objectives ●Subtask Deliverable: A report summarising ways in which load control and smart metering can be effectively utilised to achieving network-related objectives
Work Plan (1) Subtask 1 ●Each new participating country will be provided with a copy of the Subtask 1 report and with access to the on-line case studies database ●The Operating Agent will add not less than five new case studies of load control and smart metering projects to the on ‑ line database Subtasks 2, 3 and 4 ●Reports will be provided to the new participating countries ●The Operating Agent and the new participants will determine what information from each of the new participants should be added to the reports Subtask 5 ●The Operating Agent will prepare and circulate two further editions of the newsletter
Work Plan (2) Subtask 6 Activity 6-1: Load Control and Smart Metering Technologies ●Carry out a survey of currently available load control and smart metering technologies, focussing on the functionalities and capabilities of load control and smart metering devices that can be used to achieve network-related objectives Activity 6-2: Load Control and Smart Metering Projects ●Review the load control and smart metering projects included in the Task XV case studies database to identify the factors that contribute to making such projects effective Activity 6-3: Best Practices in the Use of Load Control and Smart Metering ●Identify best practices in the use of load control and smart metering to achieve network-related objectives
Major Accomplishments Since October (1) Revision of the Case Studies Database ●The Operating Agent completed a revision of the database of case studies of network-related DSM projects ●This involved splitting up the Load Management category of case studies into four more specific categories: Direct Load Control, Demand Response, Interruptible Loads and Load Shifting ●Individual case studies in the on-line version of the case studies database were renumbered to correspond to the new categories ●Task XV Research Report No 1 was also reorganised to correspond to the new categories, including renumbering the case studies and revising all the tables
Major Accomplishments Since October (2) Publication of Reports and Database ●Because 12 months had elapsed since their completion, the first editions of Research Reports Nos 1 and 2 were made publicly available on-line through the Task XV website ●Public access was also provided to the on ‑ line version of the case studies database ●The IEADSM webmaster carried out modifications to the database to enable public on-line access
Major Accomplishments Since October (3) Work Underway by the New Country Participants ●Country Experts in India, New Zealand and South Africa are continuing to review the first editions of the initial four Task XV Research Reports and the two on-line databases ●Experts are preparing case studies and material to be included in the second editions of the Task XV reports and in the two databases
Major Accomplishments Since October (4) Other Work by the Operating Agent ●The Operating Agent travelled to New Zealand and presented a workshop on Task XV for representatives of the New Zealand electricity industry who were attending a load management conference in Wellington ●The Operating Agent commenced work on Task XV Research Report No 5: The Role of Load Control and Smart Metering in Supporting Electricity Networks
Work Plan to October 2008 ●Complete not less than five new case studies of load control and smart metering projects and add them to the on ‑ line case studies database ●Incorporate information from each of the new participating countries into second editions of the existing Task XV Research Reports; ●Publish another edition of the Task XV Newsletter ●Add more descriptions of load control and smart metering technology products to the on ‑ line database ●Complete Task XV Research Report No 5: The Role of Load Control and Smart Metering in Supporting Electricity Networks
Experts Meetings ●An Experts meeting was held in Mumbai on 25 March 2008 ●This was the fifth and final Experts meeting for Task XV ●The meeting was attended by representatives of five of the seven participating countries: France and South Africa were not represented ●Country Experts from India and New Zealand committed to completing the case studies and other materials to be included in the second editions of the Task XV reports
Financial Report (1) Receipts ●The Task XV extension is being funded entirely by financial contributions from new participants ●The four countries currently participating in Task XV can access and contribute to this new work free of charge, in return for providing new participants with access to the results of the already completed work in Task XV ●Full financial contributions have now been received from each of the three new participating countries: India, New Zealand and South Africa
Financial Report (2) Expenditure to 3 March 2008 Labour €36, Travel €3, Internet services €7, Bank charges €36.83 Total €46, The total is 62% of the €75,300 budget for the Task XV extension
ExCo Issues ●The work to be completed under the Task XV extension is currently behind schedule because of delays in the commencement of work by the new participating countries ●Accordingly, the ExCo is requested to approve a no-cost extension to October 2008 ●In addition, the ExCo is requested to approve making available the results of Task XV to the new Task XIX