Classroom Management Plan Ms. Jessica Delaney EDCI 553
Statement of Purpose Our classroom will foster positive interactions with safe and open communication between students and teachers alike. All individuals shall be respected and respectful of the differences of others. Our classroom will become a community of learners encouraging one another's personal and academic success.
Rules Be considerate and respectful of others, their differences, their property, and the property of the school No food or drink allowed in the laboratory area- for your safety (What do you feel as a class should be a rule which will help foster learning or increase safety or civility?)
Seating Charts Typically, our class will be oriented for demonstrations and group discussion Evertson, C., Poole, I., & the IRIS Center. (2002).
Or group and/or center work Evertson, C., Poole, I., & the IRIS Center. (2002).
Procedures As soon as the bell rings –Submit all homework to the bin by the start of class –Copy down any memos or assigned homework listed on the white board Ice-breakers and topics lead-ins –The first five minutes of class are for puzzles, videos, and activities to get us acquainted with each other and ready to focus for the class period. – 42wYhttp:// 42wY
During class –If you need to use the restroom, please wait till all instructions for an assignment is given. Quietly take the hall pass by the door, only one may be gone at a time, please return immediately when finished. –Engage respectfully during class discussions as well as in peer or group work During laboratory classes –Arrive to class on time with laboratory book, journal, and pen only –Have pre-read the lab directions –Promptly put on lab coat and protective glasses and await teacher instruction
Center Work Periods During center and one-on-one classes –Each group will be allowed to choose 3 centers to work on for 15 minutes each –Students will be entrusted to complete and transition between center work quietly –All students will meet with instructor to discuss any topics, questions, or concerns Urbano, L. (2013)
Surface Management Strategies The teacher and students accept joint responsibility in behavior management During class, the teacher will attempt to minimize minor disruptions by using nonintrusive strategies, such as: –Redirecting –Signaling –Proximity control –Humor The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2012).
Negative Consequences Hierarchy Students will have the opportunity to discuss and potentially modify consequences as a class when speaking over the class rules The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements (2012)
Consequences + Praising good behavior or a good effort Having extra center time for total class effort and behavior Interactive game review day before test for those classes demonstrating good behavioral and collaborative skills.
Draw Meiosis on the board for 5 points
Class Competition Observed outstanding behavior and collaboration will be awarded class stamps on display poster. Class with best test averages will receive additional stamps. The class with the most stamps at end of the year receives a pizza or ice cream party.
Emergency & Crisis Plan Fire –Line up single file, turn lights off, quietly walk to designated exit, listen for roll call check Lock-down –Same as school guidelines Behavioral crisis –Call or send a student to office with crisis behavior card –The rest of class will report to library –Teacher or administrators will contact student’s guardians
Action Plan Prior to the school year, have others review the classroom management plan and provide input On the first day, go over plan with students and get their input During the second class, provide a handout of the inclusive classroom management plan for students as well as one for parents to sign and return. Also, the class will complete posters of the rules and corresponding consequences to hang in the classroom Throughout the year, reference the poster and handout during times of disruptive or disrespectful behavior
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought. –Albert Szent-Györgi ( ) U. S. biochemist
References The Biology Corner. (2012). First Day Activities. Retrieved from Y Evertson, C., Poole, I., & the IRIS Center. (2002). Effective room arrangement. Retrieved from The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2012). Classroom management (Part 1): Learning the components of a comprehensive behavior management plan. Retrieved from The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2012). Classroom Management (Part 2): Developing your own comprehensive behavior management plan. Retrieved on [month, day, year] from Urbano, L., Beading DNA, Retrieved June 10th, 2014, from Montessori Muddle: DNA Montessori Muddle