Working Hours Survey Preliminary findings
Working Hours Survey 1,117 replies (double biennial surveys) 96% of part-time respondents work extra hours 92% of full-time respondents work extra hours 84% of respondents say their workload has increased in past 5 years
Number of additional hours per week Both full-time and part –time respondents say that, on average, they work 3-5 hours extra per week. This suggests the problem is proportionately greater for part-time clerks.
Reasons for additional hours part-time full - time
How are you recompensed for extra work? part-timefull-time
Reasons for “nothing” part-timefull-time
Actual hours worked One meeting every 2 months - minimal services One meeting a month - minimal services One meeting a month, limited services but no employees Two plus meetings a month, limited services Two plus meetings a month, several services Servicing Meetings Financial Management Administration Answering public queries Managing / supervising staff 4-5 Other Total
Previous advice re minimum hours (based solely upon population Civic Area Population Servicing Meetings Financial Managemen t Administrati on OtherTotal per Month < – – – – – – –