Status of sex LO: I will know the Christian, Libertarian, Feminist and Natural law approaches to sex.
Recap Give 3 arguments for contraception Give 3 arguments against contraception
The Church Based on Aquinas, St Paul & Augustine Sex only in a loving relationship Marriage as the norm Sexual pleasure is a gift from God only to be used in marriage
Natural Law Only have sex to procreate Unnatural unless to have children Any sexual activities that lead to children are acceptable e.g. rape
Libertarian Sex moral if there is mutual consent Sex is ok if no harm is done to others or a 3 rd party Sexual liberation Consenting adults can do what they want Sex not linked to having children or being married
Feminism Sexuality needs to be remade before we can have moral relationships. View of woman as child bearer is restrictive Women are not as free as men to have sex
Conclusion Summarize the libertarian, Church, feminist and natural law approach in 2 sentences each.