BGHS JROTC Service Learning
Definitions Facilitator- Leads team discussions to identify needs and prepare service learning activities Recorder- Takes notes for the team and organizes information Reporter- Represents the team voice and reports team findings Timekeeper- Keeps track of time and plans the schedule Debriefer- Encourages team members and leads discussion after presentation.
Positions Facilitator- Battalion X-O Recorder- Battalion S-5 Reporter- Battalion S-1 Timekeeper- Battalion CSM Debriefer- Battalion S-3
Who All cadets will be involved in some form or fashion and the project will be organized by the BGHS JROTC staff
What Service learning is an active and experimental learning strategy where students have a direct impact on an identified need that interests and motivates them.
Why The service learning project should help to stimulate JROTC cadets to participate in their community more often. The project should also have a positive influence on the community, JROTC, and the cadet.
Week 1 Receive The Mission The staff will receive the mission for the service learning project.
Week 2-3 Planning The Mission After receiving the mission the staff will plan how it will be executed and coordinates the companies for the assignment.
Week 4-5 Execute The Mission The staff and companies will execute the mission to the best of their ability.
Week 6-7 Reflect On The Mission All parties involved will then reflect on the mission and how it has affected them. They will then be required to write a paper and submit it to their JROTC instructor.