EAUC 2006 REPORT 10 TH Annual Conference success Sustainable Procurement Project LSC Sustainable Procurement Training HE Benchmarking Project Linking Learning with Campus Carbon Management Insight Guides
EAUC ANNUAL 2006 EcoCampus Campus Sustainability Programme (CaSPr) Seminars – EMS, BREEAM, IEMA auditing Green Gowns and Sound Impacts Awards Sector Training Needs Survey Waste and Biodiversity Guides
Full Membership up 12% to 195 (currently 207) Associates up from 3 to 26 Overall membership risen to 250 up 22% New and Potential new project funding streams –HEFCE LGM for Insight Guides and workshops –SFC for CaSPr final year –LSC for Sustainable Development Survey and Toolkit EAUC 2006 REPORT
A five year Partnership with University of Gloucestershire securing a location for UK office Continued financial and strategic partnership with HEEPI Communication Strategy Improved marketing materials Project Approval System New web site on its way Representation at a number of national events
EAUC 2006 REPORT No change to membership rates Association is now liable for VAT Introduction of new accounting system – SAGE Aim to have a £20-£24k reserve to provide financial stability
EAUC 2006 REPORT Strategic Review Formulation of Annual Action Plans Continued activity within projects such as CaSPr and sustainable procurement New insight guides (WEEE Directive) More staff development seminars and events planned
EAUC 2006 REPORT Responding to the member training needs survey to develop actions More information and tools on the web site LSC project to provide sustainability advice for FE sector Investigation of funding streams from HEFCE, DEFRA and other national bodies