COOL TOOL January 4, 2011 Dress With Respect for Education!
MMSD Dress Code: All students must dress in a manner which does not disrupt teaching or learning or which does not pose a risk to security, health or safety.
This includes: No hats, or other articles worn on the head – no matter how cool (or warm) they are!
This includes: Coats must be kept in lockers during school hours.
This includes: Shirts must not have any alcohol or drug promotion – and messages should be positive.
This ALSO includes: No distracting clothing, please! Remember the 3 B’s! No breasts! No bellies! No behinds!
This ALSO includes: Underwear is worn UNDER clothing. No one should see it. ANY of it!
Why is it important? Dressing in a way that draws attention to your physical body prevents others from paying attention to their school work. Dressing in a way that draws attention to your physical body prevents others from paying attention to their school work.
Why is it important? Studies show that people who dress for success are more successful in school and in life. Studies show that people who dress for success are more successful in school and in life.
Why is it important? We are all here to learn and increase personal learning. We are all here to learn and increase personal learning.
Why is it important? Respectful dressing prevents negative comments or disrespectful comments from peers. Respectful dressing prevents negative comments or disrespectful comments from peers.
Why is it important? You are viewed as a confident and successful student. You are viewed as a confident and successful student.
Before it happens... When you are shopping, you may purchase clothes that you know you can wear at social events, but you should also purchase some simple clothes that are attractive, but cover the three “B’s”
This could happen... You are in a bad mood because you do not have any clean clothes that are appropriate for school. You find some shorts that are not long enough but you put leggings under them so you will not get in trouble at school.
We know this happens! You like your pants extra large, but know that if they sag at school you will have to wear a string to tie them up. A belt is a much cooler option, so you remember to wear a belt that prevents your pants from sagging!
For further discussion... Divide the class into 2 sections and have a class debate: One for school uniforms and one for no uniforms, but a school dress code that respects education.
Dress for success, Sennett Stars!
Have a great day!