H AYFIELD S ECONDARY C URRICULUM N IGHT Principal- David Tremaine Associate Principal- Tracey Blaine Middle School Director of Student Services- Bianca Aiello High School Director of Student Services- Alfonso Smith
O BJECTIVES To become familiar with the course offerings available to Hayfield students for the school year. To gain an understanding of the Hayfield academic advising process
R ISING 7 TH GRADE INFORMATION All middle school students take the following courses: English, Mathematics, Science, U.S. History II, PE, AND electives. Three possible combinations: 1 year 1 year2 semester 1 year 2 semester 2 semester 2 nd Elective 1 st Elective
R ISING 7 TH GRADE TRANSITION ACTIVITIES Academic Advising Feb. 1 st -8 th - Counselors will provide academic advising in large groups at all feeder elementary schools Parent Coffees Feb. 20 th - 8:00-9:00AM March 20 th - 6:00-7:00PM February-March Course selection sheets due to counselor at feeder elementary schools Elementary feeder schools tour Hayfield April 22 nd -26 th
A CADEMIC A DVISING 8-12 All students will be registered by their counselor Feb. 11 th - March 15 th All course selection sheets should be signed by parent/guardian and returned to appropriate sub-school office Course verifications will be mailed home in late April Changes to course selection sheets due to counselor before** May 31st, 2013
C ONSIDERATIONS FOR ACADEMIC ADVISING FOR PARENTS Develop an understanding of your student’s strengths and interests to give them a rigorous and balanced schedule that challenges them but does not overwhelm them Know your child’s commitments and responsibilities outside of school in order to look at the “whole child”
C URRICULUM N IGHT A GENDA See agenda for rotation times Visit sessions that your child may be interested in exploring Consider future goals and career interests when attending different sessions Ask teachers/students questions regarding expectations with long term projects and independent assignments