P.E.A.K Program 2014-15 Calendar Before School 7am-8am After School 3:30pm-5:30pm Oct. 20-23, 27-30 Nov. 3-6, 10-13, 17-19 Dec. 1-4, 8-11, 15-17 Jan. 5-8,


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Presentation transcript:

P.E.A.K Program Calendar Before School 7am-8am After School 3:30pm-5:30pm Oct , Nov. 3-6, 10-13, Dec. 1-4, 8-11, Jan. 5-8, 12-15, 20-22, Feb. 2-5, 10-12, 17-19, Mar. 2-4, 9-11, 23-25, 30-1 Apr. 6-8, 13-15, 20-22, Summer 8am-12pm June 1-4, 8-11, 15-18, It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. Edmund Hillary Welcome to the Panthers Extended Academic Knowledge Program (P.E.A.K). The goal of the P.E.A.K. program is to offer your child an abundance of enrichment and learning activities before and after school as well as in the month of June. With your support and the help of the 21 st Century Community Learning Centers Grant, we hope to give the children and youth of our community many amazing experiences in a safe and caring environment.

Reaching the P.E.A.K Together! Physical Activity –P.E.A.K will provide a variety of opportunities for students to be physically active. Nutrition –The P.E.A.K program will provide nutritious snacks daily to students using the USDA Guidelines. No food items or beverages will be used in rewarding or punishing students and all Pittsburg Public Schools Wellness Policies will be upheld. –The P.E.A.K program will also provide educational opportunities related to health and nutrition throughout the program. Authorized Pick-up –Your child will be released only to adults or family members or as indicated on the enrollment form. Please notify the office in writing, if there are changes in persons authorized to pick up your child. Each child must be signed out before leaving campus. Please respect our closing time of 5:30pm. If your child is picked up late more than two times in one semester he/she could lose the privilege of attending. Field Trips –Information about location and date will be given before each field trip. Permission forms will be sent home prior to each field trip, please sign and return to the school by the dates indicated. It is important for you to check regularly for such information, and read notices posted at the school P.E.A.K. site located in the cafeteria pick-up area. –Eligibility for field trips will be based on conduct expectations and program participation. Students who have less than two conduct tickets and have attending at least 25 hours of P.E.A.K. activities will be eligible to attend field trips. If your child will not be attending field trips, please make alternate arrangements for your child during that time as staff will not be available on site. Illness and or Medical Emergencies –If your child becomes ill during the P.E.A.K. program, you will be notified. A staff member will contact you if your child is injured or if emergency services are considered necessary. If needed your child will be taken to the nearest emergency facility at your expense. If you cannot be reached, the staff member will call the next emergency contact provided. Parent Involvement –Pittsburg Public Schools subscribes to the belief that parents are the primary educators of their children and that our educational programs are incomplete without parental involvement. Parent/guardian volunteers are encouraged and appreciated. The P.E.A.K. program also invites you to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in the programs offered to the community. These programs will be announced as they become available. Conduct Expectations –The P.E.A.K. program is offered as an opportunity for children and youth to enjoy what is offered in a safe environment. Therefore, the director reserves the right to suspend a child from the program if the child is endangering him/herself, other children or staff members. The program will use “Conduct Tickets” as a communication and documentation tool when a child’s behavior is an issue.