International Market Research Skills & Resources Mark Bodnar
A quick taste Baan Khamlangchay Care Centre in Chiang Mai, Thailand Image credit: Desert News:
A quick taste Baan Khamlangchay Care Centre in Chiang Mai, Thailand Best countries to try something similar? (For both facility location and target market) Criteria? Sources? [Great starting place]Great starting place
Contrasting “good” sources Compare Soft Drinks in China in Marketline report via Business SourceMarketline report via Business Source and in Passport GMIDPassport GMID Differences in numbers? Differences in analysis? Why? Which one is right?
Business Information Big name analysis Below + analysis Aggregated information + gaps filled with primary research Aggregated and incomplete information Dispersed and incomplete information $$$
Business Info - Issues $$$ analysis + analysis + primary research Aggregated Dispersed Varying definitions Varying quality Gaps Issues below, plus… Methodology Issues below, plus… Expertise Experience Track record Issues below (again)
Lateral Thinking #1 Coming up with good questions If you were researching the market for soft drinks in China, what would you need to look for? Consumers / Competitors / Economy?
Lateral Thinking #2 Filling in the gaps with inferences & estimates If you were researching the distribution system for soft drinks in China, and couldn’t find anything… what else could you search for that might help you make an estimate?
Lateral Thinking #3 Making new connections with seemingly unconnected information Rising disposable incomes + Dropping mobile phone manufacturing costs + Existing infrastructure problems = Leapfrogging to mobile phones in India See also: In India, a push for acceptance when the grandparents move out (G&M)
Practice From your readings: BBC: The city in love with cars even though its air is toxic - Questions: 1. Does this article give you any clues that might be useful if you were planning to market a sustainable product/service/idea in India ? 2. How about if you were just looking for ideas of sustainability issues on which you could focus?
Resources Deep and broad info needed? Books and eBooks! Samples… o Cultural entrepreneurship in Africa Cultural entrepreneurship in Africa o Sustainability in the global city : myth and practice Sustainability in the global city : myth and practice o Diversifying retail and distribution in Thailand Diversifying retail and distribution in Thailand o Handbook of Islamic marketing Handbook of Islamic marketing o Scaling up business solutions to social problems : a practical guide for social and corporate entrepreneurs Scaling up business solutions to social problems : a practical guide for social and corporate entrepreneurs o Africa rising : how 900 million African consumers offer more than you think Africa rising : how 900 million African consumers offer more than you think o India by design : the pursuit of luxury and fashion India by design : the pursuit of luxury and fashion Start with our International Market Research guide for subject term search suggestionsInternational Market Research
Resources Skills for survival when viewing hundreds of resources? Have filters ready: o What countries does the resource cover? o What questions does it answer? o What is surprising about it? Start with our International Market Research & Sustainable Business Resources guidesSustainable Business Resources
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