EMERGING OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMMUNITY COALITIONS Pamela S. Hyde, J.D. – Administrator Kana Enomoto, MA – Principal Deputy Administrator SAMHSA Power Session CADCA National Leadership Forum National Harbor, MD February 7, 2013
TODAY’S DISCUSSION Prevention in Affordable Care Act Post-Sandy Hook Activities Opportunities for Coalitions 2
ACA – PREVENTING DISEASE AND PROMOTING WELLNESS Targeted Prevention Activities – Commercial Insurance, Medicare, Medicaid Required screenings (tobacco; alcohol; depression; DV for women; SA, developmental, & behavioral assessments for youth; HIV and STIs for adolescents) Limitations on cost-sharing Personalized prevention plans Community Prevention Activities - Grant Programs Prevention and Public Health Trust Fund Community Transformation Grants Incentives to participate in healthy lifestyle programs (Medicaid); to develop wellness programs (employers) Home visiting grants (including SA screening) 3
NATIONAL PREVENTION COUNCIL ACTION PLAN – JUNE 2012 Tobacco Free Living Tobacco SYNAR Program Preventing Drug Abuse and Excessive Alcohol Use SPF, SBIRT, DFC, Drug Courts, Primary/BH Integration, Prescription Drugs/Painkillers, National Prevention Week Injury and Violence Free Living National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, Trauma-Informed Approach Reproductive and Sexual Health National HIV/AIDS Strategy, Integrating HIV Testing into SU Treatment Programs, HHS 12 Cites Project Mental and Emotional Well-Being MHPAEA, Project Launch, Safe Schools/Healthy Students, stopbullying.gov 5
ACA HAS IT ALL Promotion Prevention Treatment Maintenance Promotion Universal Selective Indicated Case Identification Standard Treatment for Known Disorder Compliance w/Long-term Tx ( Relapse & Recurrence) After-care (Including Rehabilitation) 6
ROLE OF COALITIONS IN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH BUILDING ON CADCA’S SEVEN STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNITY CHANGE: Providing Information Enhancing Skills Providing Support Enhancing Access/Reducing Barriers Changing Consequences (Incentives/Disincentives) Physical Design Modifying/Changing Policies 7