1. Saudi Arabia 2. Venezuela 3. Canada 4. Iran 5. Iraq 6. Kuwait 7. United Arab Emirates 8. Russia 9. Libya 10. Nigeria Where is the US? 13. United States
1. Vocab Quiz tomorrow 2. Complete the reading (and take notes) on Chapter 19 through page 544, stopping at Other Fossil Fuels. 3. Complete Chapter 19 worksheet 4. If need be, finish chapter 18 worksheet.
ANWR – Arctic National Wildlife Refuge What is NPR-A? National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska They balance the discussion between the differing view points. How much do we know about ANWR ?
ANWR – Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
How big is Alaska?
Oil Drilling – the question is whether we should drill for oil there or not? Where specifically in Alaska is this area?
The map showed that the proposed drilling area is in the ANWR Coastal Plain THIS IS WHAT THE PROPOSED EXPLORATION AREA ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE IN the Winter
TThe Prudhoe Bay (an area of ANWR) area accounts for 17% of U.S. domestic oil production. SSee pg. 531
NNot surprising, developed nations use more energy than under-developed nations. WWhy? IIndustry, technology, personal use (heat or cool homes, cars, businesses such as grocery stores,… WWhat is meant by it takes energy to make energy?
WWhat is meant by it takes energy to make energy? This just gets the oil. TThis refines it.
WWhat country holds the largest coal reserves? TThe United States – controlling roughly 80% of the world’s reserves