GIDEON Judges 6 -7 “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” 1 Cor. 10:11
I. The Story of Gideon 6:1-2 People did evil - Midianites-hid 6:3-6 Took land - Israelites in poverty 6:7-10 Called for help – prophet sent 6:11-24 Angel sent to Gideon 6:25-33 Baal overthrown by Gideon 6:34-40 Proof of God’s help
I. The Story of Gideon 7:1-7 Selection of Army Midianites army = 135,000 Gideon’s army = 32,000 Fearful can leave = 22,000 His army now = 10,000 Got water on knees 9,700 Lapped with hands = 300 4 to 1 13 to 1 450 to 1
I. The Story of Gideon 7:8-15 Training of Army Trumpets & supplies Spy out the place Heard of dream and interpretation God will deliver
I. The Story of Gideon 7:16-25 The Battle 3 Companies of 100 each Trumpet, pitcher, lamp Instructions by Gideon Blow trumpets / break pitchers Stand in place Enemy fled
II. Lessons we learn from Gideon # 1. It Pays to Serve God Lord is against evil doers - Jud. 6:1 Cain Ananias and Sapphria Always pays to serve God Judges 6:12
II. Lessons we learn from Gideon # 2. God Can’t use Cowards 22,000 were fearful - left army 1 Pet. 3:14 “be not afraid” Rev. 21:7,8 “fearful” Cowards - go along, ashamed, refuse to stand up for right
II. Lessons we learn from Gideon # 3. Requirements for Victory (1) Instruction Judges 7:17-18 - 2 Tim.2:15 (2) Unity Judges 7:21 - Eph.4:1-3 (3) Bravery Judges 7:21 - 1 Pet.5:8
GIDEON Heb. 11:32 Three Lessons: 1. Pays to serve God 2. God can’t use cowards 3. Requirements for Victory Instruction Unity Bravery
GIDEON Judges 6 -7 By Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ Evans, Georgia Sunday Evening – 23 January 2005