Saving Israel from Itself Judges Saving Israel from Itself
JUDGES: The In-Between Time The Israelites are in the Promised Land but they have not yet conquered, nor have they set up their government on a national scale. Israel is ruled by “judges”, who are actually tribal warrior leaders. No one is actually judged; in fact, a lot of immoral actions occur but the Book of Judges issues no judgment or commentary about them. Deborah is the only judge who is shown to settle a dispute.
The role of the Judges The English word judges is a somewhat misleading label for the leaders/saviors of Israel They are primarily military leaders. They are charismatic figures They are not necessarily chosen for their virtue. Samson’s major qualification was brute strength.
Judges: Theological Themes Faithfulness to God ensures security Unfaithfulness to God results in disaster God is trustworthy and can guide people through their battles. When Israel shows repentance, God shows mercy The Sin Cycle
A Spin on Covenant? Sin, Repentance, Mercy, Sin… With Joshua gone, the tribes fall into self-indulgence and idol worship, which repeatedly leads to their downfall
Judges 12 judges are mentioned in the book of Judges itself: six minor judges, barely mentioned, and six major judges.
Two types of judges: Major Minor Othniel Ehud Deborah (and Barak) Gideon Jephthah Samson Shamgar Tola Jair Ibzan Elon Abdon
Close reading Book of Judges - ch. 4 (entire chapter)
Deborah (chapters 4-5) Deborah is described as a prophetess but who acts as a judge She decides local disputes for her people Married to Lappidoth She reveals to Barak that God wants him to lead an army against Jabin (king of Canaan) and his general Sisera.
King Jabin of Canaan Sisera Barak Jael Reigned in Hazor A commander Summoned to destroy the army of Sisera Jael Killed Sisera
Gideon close reading questions– Unit 4.1
Gideon’s mission Mission: deliver Israel from the Midianites Israelites are hiding in caves Are crying God for help Messenger: an angel who calls Gideon “Mighty warrior” Gideon is afraid: saw God’s face God assures him that he will not die Gideon built an altar Called the Lord is peace
Jerubbaal God asked Gideon to destroy the altar of Baal A god People get upset Gideon’s father defends him If Baal is a god, hw should punish Gideon Gideon’s new name is Jerubbaal meaning “Let Baal contend against him”
He gathered an army of 300 hundred men. God asked him to reduce the original number so that he could show them that he was with them His peculiar method of selecting his elite troops, taking only those who lapped the water like dogs, fits with his image as a ruthless warrior. A small force of men who would act like animals would be more efficient than a larger, more “civilized” army.
He divided them into companies, and each man is given a horn and an empty water jar in which is hidden a lighted torch. Only the officers carry torches- each officer commands ten men