Enemies of God Psalm 83
Enemies of God Powerful enemies (Ps. 83:1-8) Military might, crafty schemes United against God’s people Asaph turned to God God doesn’t lose (Ps. 83:9-12) Sisera & Jabin Midian – Oreb, Zeeb, Zebah, Zalmunna
Enemies of God Jabin & Sisera (Judges 4-5) Israel sinned and was punished by God Canaan’s king had 900 chariots of iron They cruelly oppressed Israel for 20 years Sisera escaped but was killed also God won!
Enemies of God Midian (Judges 6-8) Israel sinned and was punished by God Midian oppressed Israel for seven years Like locusts, they devoured Israel’s land Gideon, a nobody, and 300 men Midian & Amalek filled the valley Killed the princes, Oreb & Zeeb Killed the kings, Zebah & Zalmunna God won!
Enemies of God Transition of the psalm (Ps. 83:13-18) From downcast to praising God We’re in spiritual war (II Cor. 10:4-5; I Tim. 1:18) How can we win? (Exod. 23:22) Which side are you on? (Philip. 3:17-21) Victory in death (Rev. 2:10) Don’t fear (Luke 12:4)
Enemies of God A powerful encouragement (Rom. 8:21-39) God is faithful (II Tim. 2:11-13) God is with us (Deut. 31:6; Heb. 13:5-6) God’s wrath upon his enemies (II Thess. 1:5-10) Greatest victory is saving souls (Luke 15) God wants all to be saved (Ezek. 18:32; II Pt. 3:9) Power of the gospel armor to defend and to save (Eph. 6:10-18; II Cor. 10:4-5; Rom. 1:18)
Enemies of God Fret not, evildoers will perish (Ps. 37:1-2) Don’t envy them (Prov. 24:19-20) Trust in God’s power to save you (Psalm 3) He is our shield He will answer He is able God’s enemies will fall God’s people will stand
Enemies of God Psalm 83