Menstruation and Reproduction
The Menstrual Cycle Female reaches puberty = __________ cause eggs to begin to mature _________ begin to release one egg/month = ____________
To prepare for the egg, _______ thickens with blood If _____________ doesn’t occur, then the lining is expelled from the body (_____________)
The Menstrual Cycle Time from one menstruation to another Usually ___ days, but often irregular in girls and even women due to stress, illness, etc. Usually begins between 9-16 Can cause cramps, dizziness, nausea
Fertilization If a sperm is present in the uterus, then the sperm swim to the __________ tube If an egg is present, it will ____________ and travel to the uterus It implants in the lining (so the lining is not expelled) which _____________ the egg as it grows