How to pass this class Freshmen English POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
ABOUT ME ASU Graduate Freshmen Baseball Coach Student Council Co-Advisor I love to teach, sports, country music and movies.
WHAT WILL WE DO THIS YEAR? The Odyssey Romeo and Juliet To Kill a Mockingbird Night “I Have a Dream” speech And… much, much more!
CLASSROOM RULES Be on time Be prepared Be respectful
BEING ON TIME It is important to be on time Tardiness will result in ASD Class starts every day when the bell rings
PHONE POLICY NO PHONES!! 1 warning 2 nd offense will result in me taking your phone
CLASSROOM DISCUSSIONS We will discuss books, current events, and much more It is important to PARTICIPATE Points will be given and taken away based on amount of participation
BELL WORK Bell work will be given at the beginning of class Bell work will be completed in your Composition Notebook Bell work will be checked for a grade throughout the quarter
HOMEWORK Turn it at beginning of period Turn in on front desk Remember to put your name, period, and date on ALL assignments
ABSENT BIN I will have an absent work box Student must come to the box and find the work they missed It is the student’s responsibility to make up missing work You get however many days you were absent to complete the work missed I WILL NOT COME AND FIND YOU
TURN IT IN Class IDClass namePassword (case sensitive) English Period 1ENG English Period 3ENG English Period 5ENG English Period 6ENG06 ALSO WRITE DOWN YOUR ADDRESS AND PERSONAL PASSWORD FOR YOUR TURNITIN ACCOUNT: ADDRESS USED: _____________________________ PERSONAL PASSWORD: _____________________________
AFTER SCHOOL HELP. ROOM E206A By appointment You can make up absent work, quizzes, or come for tutoring Make an appointment by: -Talking to me before or after class - ing me
YOUR TURN Complete the handout Get to know your classmates!