Birth to One Year
What is it? The process of learning to recognize and express one’s feelings and to establish one’s identity as a unique person
Self-Confident Can handle stress Shows empathy
What is it? The process of learning to interact with others and to express oneself to others.
Shows tolerance for others Can communicate well with others Listens to different point of views before acting
1. The bond formed between the parent and child 2. The atmosphere of the home 3. Temperament of the child
What is it? The bond between a parent/ caregiver and the child Essential to form- Erik Erikson Trust vs Mistrust Basis of developing trust-needed for healthy social/emotional development.
Harry Harlow made monkey-shaped forms out of chicken wire AND soft cloth Used substitute mothers to raise the monkeys He found that the baby monkeys clung to the “mothers” made of soft cloth Monkeys needed to feel physical closeness as well as receive a feeding When they were older they did not know how to relate to other monkeys because they did not develop normal social relationships due to the lack of interaction with the real mothers
Children in orphanage had little personal care from adults. Physical and emotional development of the children were slower than normal Baylor University – studied abused and neglected children. They failed to receive love, touch, and opportunities for learning and had brains 20 to 30% smaller than average
What is it? A condition in which they baby does not grow and develop properly Can happen if: Receive little attention Little Encouragement Lack of love and attention
Style of reacting to the world and relating to others
High- deep & powerful responses; cry hearty Intense person very loud
Determined in action Less persistence accepts “no” for an answer High- set goals don’t give up
Strong reactions to feelings Fussy eater, complain about clothes bothering you-sights, sounds, or smells Less sensitive accept what comes goes with the flow
High- aware of surrounding, distracted easily, several directions may lose track Low less attention to detail, can follow may steps at once
How well do you adjust to changes?? Low- resist change High- like surprises, change
High- follow strong patterns, routines, schedules Low- different from day to day
High- physically active Low- stay one spot/place/activity
How you face new situations? Dive right in tackle things head on High-try new activities, new foods Low- hold back, watch first
Cheerful or Cranky Optimistic vs Pestimistic