Fundraising guidance William Shawcross Chairman, Charity Commission 4 December 2015
Trustees and fundraising “Charity trustees have too often been absent from discussions on fundraising practice or values” - ‘Regulating Fundraising for the Future’ report Trustees have overall responsibility for fundraising by their charities; their role is key in setting the approach and making sure it reflects their charity’s values
Aims of the revision Greater emphasis on the trustee role in the fundraising context Set out clear regulatory expectations and triggers for Commission involvement Explain need to manage and balance risk and consider the impact of fundraising on donors and on public opinion Signpost to information for trustees on other regulations and standards governing fundraising Be easy for trustees to understand and apply
Six key principles Plan effectively Supervise your fundraisers Protect the charity’s reputation and other assets Comply with fundraising law Follow recognised standards Be open and accountable
Next steps Draft guidance and consultation questions published 3 December Consultation runs until 11 February – feedback welcome throughout the period Aim to publish final guidance April 2016