Burnsville High School Boys Lacrosse Fall Kickoff Meeting October 22, 2015
Check In Forms A few words from Coach Childs Fundraisers Heggie’s Pizza Cub Foods Open Board Positions Volunteering Between season activities Tonight’s Agenda
Please fill out a form tonight so that we can update our info. Check In/Forms
URL: You can access through the Burnsville High School website, click on Athletics, scroll down to Boys Lacrosse. Click on Boys HS at the top to get to get to the webpage. Youth Lacrosse and HS lacrosse are now on the same League Athletics system. BHS Lacrosse Website
Coach Childs A Few Words from…….
Heggie’s Pizza Fundraiser Begin selling tonight; turn in date is November 5 th (place TBD, likely at the HS). Additional forms can be found on the BHS Boys Lacrosse link, through the Burnsville High School website(Athletics/Boys Lacrosse/Boys HS/Heggie’s Pizza Fundraiser). Make checks payable to: BHS Boys Lacrosse Pick up will be November 19 th, at the west end of the hockey rink (next to the Training Center and the skate park) from 4:15pm to 6:30pm For every pizza you sell, $2.00 will go toward the booster fees for the 2016 season. Fundraising
When: December 23 rd, pm Where: Cub Foods South, Cty Rd 42 Who: Lacrosse Players 16 years and older Shifts would be from 4pm to 6:30pm, and 6:30pm to 9pm. We would need 5-6 Athletes and 1-2 parents per shift. Please sign up for a shift on SignUp Genius. A link will be made available on the BHS Boys Lacrosse website. This is a fun and easy way for the Club to make extra fundraising $$$. Cub Foods Bagging Event
President: Lori Cosner Vice President: Candy Childs Treasurer: Paul Norling Secretary: ***Open Position*** Website/Communications Coordinators: Tom Delaney ***Open Position*** Equipment: Keith Taylor Booster Board Volunteer Coordinator: Wendy Neiner Concession Coordinators Judy Fesenmaier Jane Svare Player Development Coordinator: Alan Childs Fundraiser Coordinator: ***Open Position*** Sponsorship Coordinator Melisa and John Devine Game Day Coordinator ***Open Position*** Apparel ***Open Position***