Teaching for Results Session 7 Facilitated by: Shauna Watson
Objectives : INTEGRATE opportunities for students to engage in foreign language development throughout the school day, across the content domains, and outside of school. PRACTICE standards-based lesson planning in relation to the Communities strand of the content domain. CREATE a system to support students as self-directed learners. STRATEGICALLY choose engagement strategies and develop rationale for those choices. IDENTIFY ways in which technology can help motivate diverse groups of students.
Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:40 pm Section 1 – Defining Communities 4:40 – 5:35 Section 2 – Effectively Teaching & Assessing 5:40- 6:50 Section 3 – Fostering Motivation 6:10 – 7:20 Closing - Reflection 7:20 – 7:30
Reflection Activity Opening Review of Norms New Years Reflection Transition
DO NOW – Think-Pair-Share Instructions: 1.Read the quotations 2.Write a short interpretation of each 3.Pair up with a partner and briefly share idea “If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world.” –Ludwig Wittgenstein “It is not the language but the speaker that we want to understand” – Veda Upanishads “Life is a foreign language: all men mispronounce it.” –Christopher Morley
Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:40 pm Section 1 – Defining Communities 4:40 – 5:35 Section 2 – Effectively Teaching & Assessing 5:40- 6:50 Section 3 – Fostering Motivation 6:10 – 7:20 Closing - Reflection 7:20 – 7:30
What is Communities Content? What do you remember about Communities from our overview of the five C’s in Session 2? Review Handout 2.7 –ACTFL standards for Communities Complete Handout 7.1
Discussion ?s What difficulties do you anticipate your students will have in using the foreign language outside of school? How can you ameliorate these issues? How sis you become a life-long foreign language learner (meaning how did your teachers help you to enjoy the foreign language)? What ideas do you have for introducing students to opportunities for them to begin using the foreign language for personal enjoyment & enrichment?
Learning, Enrichment, and Careers Briefly read over Handout 7.2 In groups of 3 reference Handout 7.2 as you fill out Handout 7.3 for 2 benchmarks. Instructions: 1.Each group member should focus on one heading (learning, enrichment, or careers) 2.Create specific ideas for activities and potential assessments for understanding any 2 of the 5 benchmarks. 3.Share ideas within your group & discuss assessment ideas. Write down any ideas you see yourself implementing in your own classroom.
Re-group Re-group so that each person who focused on the same area is in the same group. Write your heading at the top of the chart paper and then list the activity ideas generated by all members. Add details as needed. Chart paper idea gallery walk
Follow up ?s How did this activity help you understand the Communities content of foreign language content domain? How can you use cooperative learning groups in your classroom? What logistics need to be considered before using cooperative learning groups? What variations of the “chart paper idea gallery” can you imagine using in your classroom?
Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:40 pm Section 1 – Defining Communities 4:40 – 5:35 Section 2 – Effectively Teaching & Assessing 5:40- 6:50 Section 3 – Fostering Motivation 6:10 – 7:20 Closing - Reflection 7:20 – 7:30
Effectively Teaching & Assessing Communities Read Handouts 7.4 & 7.5 and highlight ideas & sites to investigate for potential use in the classroom Complete Handout 7.7 by evaluating the lesson on Handout 7.6 Share out
Communities Strategy Routine REAP strategy Instructions 1.Divide left-hand page into two columns by drawing a vertical line from top to bottom. Label the left column “Triggers” and the right column “REAP” 2.Include your name, course name, date, and page number at the top of the right-hand page 3.Record notes – take notes only on right-hand page. Use short sentences and skip lines between major ideas. 4.Record Triggers – record words, phrases, or visual images that will trigger the corresponding main idea in the notes section. 5.Record REAP words – write words or phrases that…Relate the material to your own life. Extend the material outward into the outside world. Actualize the material; note how information might work in the world. Profit from the ideas-consider how the student and society might profit from the ideas.
Strategy Implementation Complete Handout 7.11 using Handout 7.10 as a resource. Complete Handout 7.12 before the next session.
Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:40 pm Section 1 – Defining Communities 4:40 – 5:35 Section 2 – Effectively Teaching & Assessing 5:40- 6:50 Section 3 – Fostering Motivation 6:10 – 7:20 Closing - Reflection 7:20 – 7:30
Interest Inventories Read Handout 7.13 & think about the following: How many of these questions do you already know the answers to for all of your students? Considering the age, background, etc. of your students, which questions are more relevant? What else would you want to know that’s not already touched on by the questions on Handout 7.13? How would obtaining this information help you in your planning? How is an interest inventory directly related to the Communities content?
Classroom Context What makes your class interesting? Why would students use the foreign language outside your classroom and outside your school? What are you doing to encourage their personal choices for further language education? Read Handout 7.14 and underline improtant ideas that you are not currently using to motivate students. Think about one student in particular who would benefit from the underlined idea and write his/her name in the margin. Take time to alter your current unit and long-term unit plans to foster student motivation.
Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:40 pm Section 1 – Defining Communities 4:40 – 5:35 Section 2 – Effectively Teaching & Assessing 5:40- 6:50 Section 3 – Fostering Motivation 6:10 – 7:20 Closing - Reflection 7:20 – 7:30
Closing- Reflection Were the objectives met? Lingering questions? Strategies for Handout 1.11 ▫Think-Pair-share ▫Quotation Do Now ▫Cooperative learning groups ▫REAP strategy Check-In #3 Write down progress toward each of your 3 goals Next session will focus on presentational communication – speaking & writing.
Homework Complete Handout 7.11 Before the next session implement the Communications lesson and respond to the reflection questions on Handout 7.12 Customize and administer to a class an interest inventory and bring grouped results to the next session