Medieval History Ballads Chaucer “Prologue” Pardoner’s Tale “Wife of Bath’s Tale
In 1066, this man changed the course of English History at the Battle of Hastings
Who is William, the Conquerer?
Adoption of this social system was a key result of the Norman Conquest
What is Feudalism?
The signing of this document in 1215 signaled a return to older, more traditional democratic traditions in England
What is The Magna Carta?
In December 1170, King Henry II’s words “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” led to this…
What is the murder of Thomas a Becket?
The most positive effect of the Medieval Church in England
What is fostering cultural unity (common beliefs and symbols)?
Ballads were typically created by this type of person…
What is a common person?
This poetic device was used to develop suspense and depth in a ballad.
What is “incremental repetition”?
This poem pokes fun at the absurd bickering of husband and wife
What is “Get up and Bar the Door”?
This popular format is used in both “Lord Randall” and “Edward, Edward”
What is the question-and-answer format?
This poetic device common in ballads is defined as a repeated word, phrase, line, or group of lines
What is a refrain?
Middle English was considered to be the language of this class.
The common people
Chaucer’s main objective in “The Prologue”
What is introduce and characterize his characters?
This is the stated reason Pilgrims are traveling to Canterbury
What is the shrine of Saint Thomas a Becket?
Chaucer’s characterization of the Prioress, the monk, and others associated with the church take on this tone
What is a satirical tone?
The Pilgrims tell tales while on their journey for this reason
What is to win the Host’s free meal and entertain one another?
This is the moral of the Pardoner’s Tale
What is greed is the root of all evil?
The irony of the Pardoner’s Tale
What is the Pardoner’s hypocrisy?
The Pardoner’s stated purpose in preaching
What is “to make a profit”?
An abundance of what specific coin is found under the tree by the 3 rioters?
What are golden florins?
Chaucer describes the pardoner with these horse types
What is a “gelding” or a “mare”?
This physical description of the Wife of Bath is meant to indicate her sensual nature
What is the Gap-tooth or round hips?
The Knight is spared execution by the Queen for what crime
What is the rape of a virgin?
The Knight must answer this question in order to save his life
What is “what do women most desire”?
The knight shows that he has learned the lesson he has sought when he makes this decision…
What is allowing his wife to decide what form she shall take?
This couplet “That we are gentle comes to us by grace / and by no means is it bequeathed to us by place” comes from this character’s speech on this topic.
What is the old crone wife’s speech on true and false gentility and virtue?