Nutrition 1 Online Course Orientation
Cholesterol Test & Blood Type 3 points available 3 questions (6 pts total) 1 point for questions 1 2 points for question 2 3 points for question 3
Instructions Select a recognized testing site (health center, health fair, hospital) and get your cholesterol tested. Either free or under $10. Scan in the report with annotations, explaining the scores for total cholesterol, total triglycerides, HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol/HDL ratio. Sometimes these scores are already explained. You must still highlight their interpretation! Your blood type must also be included on the report you submit. You must scan in the cholesterol report (you can black out personal details).
Questions on Cholesterol & Blood Type Answer the following three ?s in essay form: 1. What do these figures mean? 2. What are the health consequences? 3. What nutritional changes do you need to make to improve these figures, or maintain a healthy profile if your figures are good? type a maximum of 1 page and download onto Blackboard using Assignments (located under Content Areas). Due Date: Refer to Due Dates, under Course Documents in the Content Areas of Blackboard.
Please include the following items with your submission: A scanned copy of the cholesterol and blood type test. The test must be current (taken within the last 3 months) Note: Your assignment MUST be completed and turned in by the stated due date via the Assignments feature on Blackboard, or you will receive a zero for the assignment – NO EXCEPTIONS!
“Questions on Cholesterol & Blood Type” You may now view the following orientation: Final Project