- 1 - RSPG 26 th Plenary Meeting Mike Byrne, Chairman (2011) Roberto Viola, Vice-Chairman RSPG Briefing Session Brussels, 16 November 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

- 1 - RSPG 26 th Plenary Meeting Mike Byrne, Chairman (2011) Roberto Viola, Vice-Chairman RSPG Briefing Session Brussels, 16 November 2011

- 2 - RSPG Plenary No. 26 – Outcome Two RSPG Reports adopted: Report on Innovative Spectrum Sharing Report on Improving Broadband Coverage Two RSPG Opinions published for Public Consultation: Opinion on Spectrum Review Opinion on EU Assistance in Bilateral Negotiations Revised Rules of Procedure adopted Election of new Chairman & Vice-Chairman for 2012/13

- 3 - Report on Innovative Spectrum Sharing Conclusions: Large part of spectrum already shared between different applications; but need to foster more efficient use through appropriate regulatory measures Need to progress with appropriate regulatory mechanisms for sharing spectrum and to foster more efficient use of spectrum New concept of Licensed Shared Access (LSA) could provide further sharing opportunities on a European scale Key Recommendations: Strengthen cooperation between CEPT and ETSI in the CUS domain, and the development of cognitive radio, sensing and geo-location techniques In-depth exploration of the LSA concept to explore the viability of this approach

- 4 - Report on Improving Broadband Coverage (1) Themes explored: Why extending coverage of broadband services is important for Europe Ways of delivering broadband services (eg wired vs wireless, terrestrial vs satellite) Ways of extending coverage to hard-to-reach areas How successful these approaches have been in practice Any potential impact on competition from attempts to improve broadband coverage Whether spectrum harmonisation has led to any under-utilisation of spectrum

- 5 - Report on Improving Broadband Coverage (2) Key points raised: Coverage obligations designed to meet differing policy goals Broadly, coverage obligations have had some success in meeting public policy goals as they relate to promoting wider coverage Coverage obligations have also been successfully used to ensure deployment No evidence of significant competition concerns have emerged as a result of measures taken to improve broadband coverage Spectrum harmonisation has led to some underutilisation of spectrum (2 GHz unpaired bands and 3.4 GHz in particular) Possible more flexible approach to harmonisation could be considered in future, although dependent on circumstances in each case

- 6 - Opinion on Spectrum Review Advice to EC on implementing Radio Spectrum Policy Programme Three key phases in a spectrum review identified: i.assessing the demand (surveys, forecasts, etc) ii.quantifying the supply of spectrum (EFIS, other databases & tools) iii.reviewing respective efficiencies (e.g., technical, functional, economic) and social value of proposed uses of spectrum Challenges to be faced in assessing the suitability of frequency bands for new services and applications, including dealing with sensitive information (at security and commercial levels) Involvement of stakeholders (e.g., ECS, Transport, Science services, Emergency & Defence services (inc PPDR), Amateur, etc)

- 7 - Opinion on EU Assistance in Bilateral Negotiations Two processes proposed in the draft Opinion: 1. EU assistance in bilateral negotiations with third countries a)The EC may act at the political level with the third country to assist in case of persistent difficulties or strong EU interest b)Technical basis to be established by ITU, CEPT or the MS c)Similar to what has successfully taken place in the Digital Dividend band with Russia and other countries operating aeronautical radionavigation systems in this band 2.“Good offices” of the RSPG in bilateral negotiations between EU countries a)In case of reported difficulty, a group of MS would be set up to propose a balanced approach or solution to the concerned countries b)Relying on the good will of the MS without any “enforcement”

- 8 - Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2012/13 All RSPG members warmly welcomed the elections of: Mr. Roberto Viola, Secretary General AGCOM Italy as Chair Mr. Gilles Brégant, Director General ANFR, France as Vice-Chair

- 9 - Summary 1.With the completion of its final Plenary for 2011, RSPG has substantially delivered on the busy and challenging work programme it set for The Opinions and reports presented by RSPG on the key areas of the Review of Spectrum Use, Improving Broadband Coverage, Collective & Shared Use of Spectrum and EU Assistance in Bilateral Negotiations are strategic items necessary for development of spectrum policy in the EU. 3.In delivering on its work programme for 2011 RSPG looks forward to further advising the Commission and other EU institutions on Spectrum Policy. 4.In particular, with the adoption of Europe’s first Radio Spectrum Policy Programme early next year, RSPG will continue to advise key stakeholders on how best to optimise the use of Spectrum so as to stimulate economic growth, support social inclusion and promote the internal market for the benefit of all EU Citizens.