MSW P/T Beginning Placement Orientation 2009/2010
MSW PHASE II ORIENTATION Introductions Practicum Purpose Documents/Requirements Roles and Responsibilities Placement Concerns Placement Policies Accommodations Technical Support Questions/Concluding Remarks
Sheryl Abraham Assistant Field Education Coordinator, MSW program Ext Maureen Boettcher Field Education Manager Ext INTRODUCTIONS
PURPOSE OF PRACTICUM Translating Theory into Practice Reflective Practice Reflexive Practice
Registering in practicum: SOWK 5350 MUST complete 400 hours of placement “on site” Hours: Regular working day at the agency Lunch not counted Sick time and statutory holidays not counted PLACEMENT INFO
Completed in first 3 weeks Two Components Joint effort Living document Use to assess learning Responsible for learning Submit to PRS Director THE LEARNING CONTRACT
Completed midway through placement (200 hours) Joint Effort Submit to PRS Director CHECK POINT Revise Learning contract MID TERM EVALUATION
Joint Process Submit to PRS Director Credit process No Surprises Supervision is key FINAL EVALUATION
STUDENT EVALUATION OF PLACEMENT Done after final evaluation Submit to PRS Director
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Triad Student Field Instructor PRS Director
You are a student Not a volunteer or employee Learning contract helps define Regular supervision helps define STUDENT ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES
Mission Statement Polices and procedures PHILOSOPHY OF PLACEMENT
SOCIAL WORK CODE OF ETHICS Non-social work supervision Confidentiality and privacy
PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS Immunizations Police Check Student Sign Off Sheet
Ministry of Education Work Education Training Agreement Form PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS
FIELD INSTRUCTOR ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES Guide/Mentor Respects student Fears/safety/trust/challenge: Power Differential Honors student status Supervision time Helps ensure evaluations completed in timely manner
Link to School of Social Work: PRS Integrate theory and practice Trouble shooter Submits Evaluations to Field Manager No site visit PRS DIRECTOR ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES
Placement breakdown and failure process in manual PLACEMENT CONCERNS
Review these policies in practicum manual: Strike policy Placement breakdown policy Placement failure policy PLACEMENT POLICIES
Please contact the Counselling and Development Centre (416) Room N110 Bennett Centre for Student Services ACCOMMODATIONS
Technical Support Practicum Database