Chemistry of Cells The Essential Biomolecules
What are Biomolecules? Organic compounds made of Carbon (C) bonded to Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), or other Carbons ◦Inorganic compounds do not have Carbon atoms!! Energy is stored in the bonds between atoms, and is released through chemical reactions Without these molecules cells could not function
Carbohydrates Made only of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen ◦Always 1:2:1 ratio The building blocks of Carbs are sugars like glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) and fructose ◦Called Monosaccharides Monosaccharides build into Polysaccharides like Starch, Glycogen, or Cellulose
Lipids Includes fats, phospholipids, oils, and waxes Insoluble in water Fats store high amounts of energy between Carbon and Hydrogen bonds Saturated fats have all C’s bonded to two H’s ◦Solid at Room Temp.; includes animal fat, lard, etc. Unsaturated fats have some C’s double bonded with only one H attached ◦They can twist and kink ◦Liquid at room temp.; includes different types of oils
Why are Saturated Fats solid at Room Temperature? Saturated fats don’t have a kink in their molecule. o Means they can pack in tightly together at low temperatures Unsaturated fats have a kink because of its double bond in the center o Means it can’t pack in closely and has a lower melting point
Proteins Large molecules formed by linking smaller amino acid molecules The order that amino acids connect determines the specific protein Some proteins are enzymes others are used for muscle production, connective tissue, blood, and antibodies
Nucleic Acids Two types; DNA & RNA All cells contain nucleic acids which are long chains of smaller molecules called nucleotides Each nucleotide is made of a sugar, base, and phosphate group
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Same as a regular nucleotide, but it has two extra energy-storing phosphate groups ATP is a holding molecule for energy we get from food Cells need a steady supply of ATP or they will eventually die.