Water Quality Master Planning A Barton Creek Model Katherine G. Osborne CE 394K.2 Surface Water Hydrology
Topics of Discussion Background What are we modeling? How are we doing it? What are the outputs? Conclusions
Background Why does Austin care? A Brief History Christine’s Model Phase II
What are we modeling? Flows Loads Best Management Practices removals
How are we doing it? Flows Loads BMP removals
Impervious CoverRelated to land use Flows - Inputs Flow DirectionBased on CRWR Pre-Pro of 30 m DEMs Correction GridNot used Recharge FlowFrom Recharge script which requires: Cell Recharge Recharge zone grid, Creek grid, Flow accumulation, Flow direction, Watershed, and Upstream points.
Flows - Equations Rv = IC IC Rv bf = IC In recharge zone, Flow = Raw Flow - Recharge
Flows - Outputs Corrected direct runoff generated in each cell Corrected base flow generated in each cell Total flow without considering recharge Total predicted flow Direct runoff Base flow
Loads - Inputs Direct runoff EMC table Base flow EMC table Impervious cover coverage or grid Flow direction grid Water land use zones grid Direct runoff Base flow generated Total flow without considering recharge Cell recharge
Loads - Equations Equations EMC = a+bIC EMC bf = C if IC< undeveloped (15%) D if IC> undeveloed
Loads - Outputs Load grids for constituents for which the load is computed. TSS TSS BOD COD TOC DP TP NH3 TKN NO TN Cu Pb Zn
Best Management Practices Located BMPs defined by mass removed Located BMPs defined by efficiency Non-located BMPs defined by efficiency Inputs Flow direction grid Flow accumulation grid BMPs point coverage - The attribute table must contain a load removed field. Initial load grid - the result of the load computation. Output Removed Load grid
Conclusions Nice Tool Needs to include: Future land use Channel Erosion