T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E O broken Lamb of God It was for me He died For all my sin and shame My Lord was crucified But through His brokenness I am made whole again And I see loveliness In Christ the broken Lamb T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E The stripes upon His back The thorns upon His brow Because He suffered them I can know healing now It was an awful price Yet He paid willingly He gave His sinless life To purchase life for me T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E The Lamb of God Became the sacrifice It was my debt And still He paid the price For ev'ry sin and all iniquity The precious Lamb of God Was broken for you and me The precious Lamb of God Was broken for you and me T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E They took Him from the cross And laid Him in a tomb Their hope seemed all but lost Their hearts were filled with gloom But early Sunday morn He rose triumphantly And purchased for all men The hope to live eternally T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
eternal life for you and me The Lamb of God Became the Lord of lords And He will reign As King forevermore He conquered death And now He holds the key The Lamb of God bought eternal life for you and me T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Hallelujah praise the Lamb Hallelujah praise the Lamb T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
as King victoriously The Lamb of God bought And now He reigns as King victoriously The Lamb of God bought eternal life for you and me The Lamb of God bought T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675
Eternal life for you and me! The broken Lamb, The precious Lamb, The Lamb of God bought Eternal life for you and me! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E Used by permission CCLI # 2626675