Jews in Nazi Germany
Boycott 1933 – SA and SS organized boycott of Jewish businesses
Laws Banned from public places (pools, parks, etc.) Began firing Jews
Nuremberg Laws 1935 Hitler defined who was Jewish and defined them as the enemy Removed citizenship Interracial marriage banned 1936 – more laws banning property ownership, more firings
Kristallnacht 1938 – first public attack on Jewish homes, synagogues, businesses Violence for over a week; 100 killed, 20,000 into camps Jews fined for the damages
Ghettos and War War intensified attacks on Jews Jews in occupied territories forced to live in ghettos (walled in areas of cities) 1941 Himmler orders “special action groups” to kill all Soviet Jews (Einsatzgruppen)
Final Solution/Destruction Wannsee Conference 1942 planned destruction of all Jews in Europe Adolph Eichmann planned operation (with Heydrich) Extermination camps set up in Eastern Europe 6 million Jews murdered